This means that he's likely to gain an early point lead. You are approaching the chapter's closing section so you may want to send out scouts to reveal any resources you may have missed. Use Meve's command ability on the Arbalests. Lay an Arbalest next to him and attack a Rotfiend for 2 HP. While on the enemy side, they can be damaged by any row effects (such as fire from the Strays Bomber) and once back on your side they can only add to your overall strength. This is a standard battle. Move another from the ranged row to the melee row. There will also be new reports to read. There's a new report for you to read in the royal tent as well. Your goal is to prevent the ballistae from being destroyed. and Dogs of War trophies. Otherwise, hear her out. This is to prevent them repeatedly duelling your units and destroying them. Now the Barghests will have 11 HP. You can talk to the two soldiers nearby but they don't have anything very interesting to say. Keltullis TrophyEvery 3 turns damage all enemies on the melee row by 2. Shupe, whom you must keep alive, has 10 power. It will cost you two recruits to obtain a card fragment. The legs will damage allied units either on the melee or ranged row. Cross the bridge leading northeast. Otherwise it will cost you morale and one recruit. Play another Arbalest in your melee row and damage an Archespore by 3. Whether you have to fight or not, you will obtain the Mardroeme: Vengeance trinket either as a victory reward or picked up from the loot lying around. Unlock the next fast travel point and go northeast. Use Meve's command ability on the Hajduk. You will be subjected to Impenetrable Fog so a Lyrian Pathfinder will be useful. He has 27 strength and 5 armour which means that you need to be able to inflict 32 damage to make this possible. You will have to give the order to attack to proceed. Play the Regiment Drummer on your melee row. If you pardon him, you will gain morale. You can choose to kill him, let him go or press him into service. Exit the village through the northern gate. Not bad and synergises nicely with the Skull trinket. This is the key to winning the battle. You're battling monsters, so you want Eyck in your hand. Shortly you'll come to a recruiting post. Examine the house next to it to obtain 2500G and a card fragment. Grey Rider (Human, Field Support)When you play a different unit, or move a different unit to the other row, this card moves next to it and boosts it by 2. This will take rather a long time to exceed the damage output of the Flail or even the Rivian Broadsword. The Wagenburg should now have 7 armour. Return to the main path and pick up the nearby loot. Ignore the locked gate blocking your path further southeast for moment and instead go round to the left of the ploughed field with the outbuilding. Instead of going west, continue southwest and round until you come to a blockage. You may also want to remove units that damage entire rows. If you need to restore army morale, take a right at the sign post and you'll find a shrine a short distance along. At this point you can choose to rat out the Zigrins. Here's a solution. Strays Infiltrator (Human)Deploy on the enemy side. This is a standard battle. Deploy a Sapper, destroy the 1HP Nekker and damage a second. Place a Scytheman in your ranged row. Play the final Arbalest on your melee row and destroy the fifth corpse along. The deranged cow will damage one cow by 1 HP. Talk to the guard when you're ready to proceed. Since most enemy units have more than 9 HP by this point in the game, you might prefer it over the Flail. You may want to add a Lyrian Pathfinder to your deck to deal with the Impenetrable Fog that will power up the enemy. And again with the final Arbalest. You will win the battle if he manages to get next to the exit. If you brought the druids with you earlier, you will part ways at this point. You'll be able to boost your morale shortly so take the gold. Only talk to the man standing by the windmill if your morale is not green. When battling monsters, Eyck can damage an enemy unit by his current power. The 25 HP Elemental will set fire to your ranged row, reducing it to 12 HP. Return the way you came and go north to find a burning church. Use Bekker's Dark Mirror. From here, fast travel to the sign post outside the cemetery. Speak to the dwarf by the vat for a puzzle battle. Horse Thief (Human, Field Support)Mark a unit. The Shaelmaar has a fair amount of armour. Otherwise, you'll lose morale along with some recruits. When wagons appear on the enemy side, you have two turns in which to defeat them. 250G for 1000 wood is an absolute bargain! Your goal is to kill the Shaelmaar while keeping Hoog alive. This time, go northeast and keep going northeast. This will allow you to bring up the map view from the overworld. The Mantlet card will return them to your hand. Attack two archers for 1 and 2 HP damage respectively. You will lose Count Caldwell at this point and gain the Fake Floren trinket. If both your rows have the same number of units, the Troll will do nothing. If you destroy one, all the others will leave the field. Both cards will return to your hand. If an Archespore reaches the enemy ranged row, it will be destoyed.. You need to destroy 15 of them. above his head, right away. You will be to the northwest of Rosberg. I'm up to Chapter/Map #4, have discovered several bugs by now, as always with my guides tags are searchable including the BUG tag *cough* devs *cough*. This should allow Eyck to power up to extreme levels. Afterwards, you can choose to take the enemy's gold or leave it in the town. Play another Arbalest on your ranged row and attack the fifth corpse along clearing the row. They should not pose any threat to you. Now make your way round to the wedding party that you ignored earlier. Play one of the Regiment Drummers. You will also see Archespores, which damage one of your units every turn, and Water Hags which move your units around and put a weather effect one one of your rows. Order him released and your forces will lose morale, but you will gain a new weapon for Meve along with the Arms Race trophy. Unlock the fast travel point and examine the elven ruins nearby. Continue north and examine the obelisk for a letter. Deploy a Sapper, destroy the remaining Nekker and damage the Alghoul. Otherwise, play Gabor and use the Decoy card to play him again. You will have a scene as you near the sign post. If you order him to be whipped, you'll gain nothing from it. Afterwards, walk south around the nearby islet to collect some loot and continue round for a battle. Here's a solution. alright i'll finish the story and report back, I can't remember exactly but that +evil does mean that is the consequence in a later chapter. When all the palisades are destroyed, the Ancient Foglet will kill Meve. If you chose to approach it, you will receive a letter. Go west from here to find a golden chest (5/10). Agree to pursue the abductors. Meve: SpearEvery 4 turns, sets a unit's power to 1. Use the Aretuzan Adept to add more of them to your deck and you can easily outscore most opponents. She will initially refuse to join forces with you but will relent when she sees the extent of Xavier's injuries. If you stopped the ritual earlier, some of your soldiers will fall victim to poisoning. After your victory, answer Caldwell how you please. Approach the gates for a puzzle battle. Cross the nearby bridge for a scene and a battle. You can get most of what you need in the first round by placing Pit Traps on both enemy rows. You should be able to take out the slinger you just damaged and win the round. Morana Runestone (Trinket)Heals all allies and boosts them by 2. It's most useful when you come to the end of the map, which is why it's listed last. If you damage him on your turn, he moves one square left. You will witness the bride being abducted by bandits. Cross the bridge for a scene and a battle. This is another standard battle. The Strays' Den and Alchemist's Laboratory nodes unlock "Gascon" units. The southern path leads to the continuation of the main quest so take the bridge to the west. You will receive the Wolfsbane trinket upon victory and there will be a new report for you to read. This will start out at 1 and go up by 1 each turn. You have two paths to choose from here. Meve is on the melee row surrounded by eight palisades. Play a Singer in your melee row and attack three carcasses. Crushing Trap + (Machine)If the average power of affected units after activation is 3 or less, all units are destroyed. Your forces will become demoralised which seems a little unfair. If you destroy any of his units, he will summon another in its place. You will start with two spies and Gascon among the enemy ranks. Exit the fortress and go west and south to find a golden chest (7/10). The targeted unit is removed from the enemy's side of the board bypassing the graveyard. Order the Troll to let the Lyrian Scytheman pass. There is a Wagenburg unit on the enemy ranged row. I think I prefer the Manticore Trophy myself. You will start at a considerable disadvantage and the enemy commander seems absolutely to spam Alba Armored Cavalry which makes using orders a bit more awkward than you might want it to be. Continue east for a scene. The Grave Hag will increase her strength to 10. Arf! Guards will move one square in the direction they are currently facing when Gascon moves. Allowing them to stay will give you a bunch of resources you don't really need and reduce army morale. You'll be able to see a golden chest but can't access it from here. Investigate for a scene. You have new reports to read along with new conversations in the Mess Tent and you may want to take a moment to review your forces. The goal is a simple one: kill the Grave Hag. Place a third Scytheman in your ranged row. Every 3 turns the commander can damage one of your units by the number of enemy units on the field. Victory will earn you the Black Blood trinket and reveal a golden chest (2/6). Allow her to stay and she will transform into Isbel: Destroyer. Lyrian Merlot (Trinket)Boosts the lowest ally by the power of the highest ally. Read the noticeboard before leaving the town. For its part the enemy will play Archer units and Armored Cavalry, but the boost that you get from the spies should ensure a points victory. To be honest, the unit cost is really high and the damage over time doesn't really amount to much. When a Water Hag dies, Torrential Rain is removed from the row that it is on and a Swift Slinger appears in your hand. Afterwards, you will have a meeting with Villem accompanied by Nilfgaardian forces - answer however you please. Go into your command tent and rearrange your deck. Go a little further south for a battle. Needless to say, Eyck can become a beast when you're using the Manticore Trophy and is pretty decent even when you're not. Continue to Count Caldwell's Estate for a scene with the count's son, Dragomir. This synergises well with the Slinger units who can move enemy cards into the trap. If you examine the collapsed tent, you can recover a treasure map. Cross the bridge to find a shrine and continue northeast to find a fast travel point and a bit of loot. You need to eliminate Falbeson without letting Gascon or Reynard die. Black Blood (Trinket)Damage all enemies by 1 and boost an ally by the damage dealt. Walkthrough Summary. Wade northwest through the swamp and turn to the northeast when you can for an optional battle. Your goal is to eliminate all foes. Ideally, you'll have Gabor in your hand. The Troll will throw a snowball at your melee row leaving you with three units in your ranged row. If you make at least two choices that please her, she will stay. Otherwise, it will be damaged. Use your ability on the red stone on the melee row. You will also be able to read a new report. This is pretty much a standard monster battle. Oh well. If you have the instigators hanged, you will lose morale but the surviving victims of the mob's violence will give you 350G. Set fire to the enemy rows to inflict damage over time and use Slingers and the Rivian Broadsword to take out the archers who are your biggest threat. The choice you make here is the first of the three choices that will determine whether Rayla will stay with you at the end of the chapter. Assuming your relations with Lippy Gudmund in chapter 1 were good, Arnjolf and his crew will consent to join you permanently. Before you can attack Vreemde, however, you'll need to eliminate the Elite unit that gives him immunity. Use the recruitment post here and make a note of the nearby shrine. You can choose to attack a Nilfgaardian caravan or let it pass. Your War Wagon and Regimental Drummer units are useful for boosting the Wagenburg and the strength of the Arbalest units' attacks. Gabor is highly desirable here as is Eyck. Your goal is to get all your units to the other side of the field without letting any of them die. It goes down by 1 every time you play a unit from your deck, but not when you summon. The randomness means that you might end up playing cards that are useless to you but this is still pretty decent. Before continuing, turn around and check out the small hut until you see a dig icon. Strays Cavalry + (Human, Blitz)Gains 1 power. Bargain! Return to the shrine and then go into the Nilfgaardian camp. Fighting the Nilfgaardians will restore your army's morale but will have negative consequences down the line. You'll want to go for maximum scoring rather than killing enemy units. Go to your right and examine the building at the end. We'll start out with a discussion of WHAT this guide covers and HOW we can go about uncovering Thronebreaker's secrets. Thronebreaker quests | Witcher Wiki | Fandom Approach the gates for a scene. Go through the nearby gate for another battle. Go south to find another two. The enemy will play Falbeson's Guard units. Go east to the signpost and take the road going south. If you didn't take advantage of the inn earlier, you can restore it a little. Continue north and east to a Nilfgaardian camp for a battle. They have 8 HP and 2 armour, meaning that Gabor can destroy one when deployed as can the Alzur's Thunder trinket. Pick your way past more burning buildings and make your way into the remains of an army camp. Return to the main path and wade southeast through the swamp for another monster battle. Use the Arbalest to destroy the Water Hag in your ranged row, adding a Slinger to your hand. Nilfgaardian Ambush all choices - Thronebreaker the Witcher Tales Even better, it can prevent the enemy from deploying one of its units since it occupies a space. If you create a "Reynard" unit in the Command Tent, you will receive the At Ease, Private! Choose to intervene to learn the long list of the gnome's crimes. Return the way you cam and continue northeast. Beyond this fight is a mine entrance with a dwarf hiding inside. Continue and unlock the final fast travel point of the chapter. And if the conditions aren't met, you face a hefty penalty. Keeping them in place will give Gabor a further boost to his abilities. Grab the nearby loot and a bunch more from the nearby field. Still not as good as the Lyrian Horn and you got that back in chapter 1! Just before the bridge is a loot pile with a letter. The enemy commander has nothing special up his sleeve and you should have no trouble emerging victorious. Approach them for a scene. Use the Wagenburg with 3 armour on the enemy ranged row. You can talk to the woman standing outside her ruined house but there isn't anything you can do for her. If it reaches 0 and you are ahead, you will win. This is one of three decisions that will determine whether she stays with you after this chapter. You cannot target her directly but you can target the Barghests . All rights reserved. Go behind her house to find several loot piles. You have space for another trinket (even though you don't have a second one yet) and by upgrading the Royal Tent, you can add slots for an additional two. He is also summoned when you play another character unit or have a unit carry out an order. The abductor starts on the left hand side of the enemy melee row. After the battle, collect loot and read the notice board. An enemy Warmonger will destroy the Sapper. Isbel will reveal herself to be Nilfgaardian. Examine the wagon for a letter. Continue north to find the place where the humans sell goods to the Scoia'tael. The boss here is a Rabid Forktail. Manticore TrophyDamages enemy units by 1 or 2 when they appear on the battlefield. Afterwards, you can choose to keep your word or have them killed. The enemy will use war machines and plays units that give them resilience. The caravans have 50 armour so you can't destroy them, but when you attack them they move towards your side of the board. Crow's Eye (Trinket)Move 6 random enemies to the other row and damage them by 2. So if you play an Arbalest card in a row with six cards, you'll do a sizeable 7 damage to an enemy unit. Do not go for the Recruits since they'll simply be replaced. Grab the loot nearby and go south collecting more resources. This will result in lowered morale and significant resource loss. Alternatively, you can use the DOT effect to power up Eyck. The Troll has seven snowballs which he will throw at the row with the most humans in it. Some of them have stolen supplies and fled. They are typically consumed when used. Here's a solution. The commander has the same annoying command ability as the last Scoia'tael battle. The enemy deploys Hulking Nekkers which do their usual trick of summoning a copy of themselves each turn. Not bad, but probably not good enough to take the place of other units that you're using regularly. Approach the hag for a puzzle battle. If your catapault has charges, it will damage all the enemies on a row. Golden Froth (Trinket)Boost all allies in a row by 4. Go south from here and around picking up any loot on the way. Do not open it right away until you've read the following notice: Golden ChestsGolden chests are typically found in out of the way corners of the map or by deciphering treasure maps and following clues given by letters or talking to individuals in the game world. If they are identical, you will banish them and can peek at another two. They will leave it to you to settle their dispute: The gold is the better reward if you ask me. After the scenes, You will be introduced to Gabor Zigrin who will join your forces and act as a guide. On the second round it will spam Hawker Healer units (you'll find out why shortly) making it very difficult to eliminate enemy units. nr_letter_02 Gabor Zigrin (Dwarf)He has two deploy abilities from which you can choose one. When you come to a fork, take the left path to find some loot and go back north and take the other path. On Bonebreaker difficulty you may need Infiltrators to counter the Alba Cavalry spam. Go west from the obstacle until the game throws you into your first battle. The Archespores have 7 HP. Play a Mantlet to the left of the Forager and mark an Arbalest. Target the archers with 5, 6 and 7 HP in that order. Answer Gascon how you please and you will follow Gascon to his family vault. Otherwise, cross the bridge to the east. Click on the figure in the corner, Grey Rider, to get some stats for the current map. Depending on the capabilities of the enemy this unit is either devastating or useless. This card is incredibly useful if there's an enemy card that you want to eliminate right now. This is useful if you need to clear a space in a row or eliminate an enemy spy before it activates. Afterwards, you will question some Nilfgaardian prisoners who offer information in exchange for their freedom. Here's a solution. Not good. Afterwards, the commander will claim that they had no desire to fight you. Otherwise, the commander limits himself to Promising Recruits who are annoying but nothing you can't outscore. After the battle, you will meet Isbel of Tretogor, a sorceress. Can be used to take advantage of powerful enemy units. Deploy Reynard and flip another table on your ranged row. Lyrian Hajduk (Human)When deployed, give 1 charge to the unit to its right. They will be replaced by a Dao with 9 HP. To the north is an abandoned village where you can gather resources and find the eviction notice issued to the villagers on the notice board. The other options give you recruits that you don't really need and pressing townsmen into service will reduce your army's morale into the bargain. Go back east across the bridge and wade northwest through the swamp to get there. Continue south and enter a gate to the west. A suggested upgrade order in the workshop is as follows: Unlocking the Strays Den node will double the effectiveness of Strays Bomber units making subsequent encounters a lot easier. Use Lyrian Merlot on the Scytheman. Afterwards, you'll be in battle against Gascon and his forces. and follow it with "I shall help you" and "I insist". Go north to come to a broken bridge and spend 50 wood to repair it.
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