The house does not take this well and begins to roar ferociously, only for Mr. Nebbercracker to calm her down by telling her he has always done what is best for her. I think it kind of nailed the way that time in your life feels and the whole "don't trust the adults" thing. The horrified Chowder is then chased by the house's rug (the tongue) that acts like a chameleon's tongue, and barely escapes. There, they also discovered what appeared to be Constance's carriage that DJ opened with a key that he found back when Mr. Nebbercracker was taken away by medics. Not much is known about Constance's backstory, aside from the fact that she is a depressed circus freak show member that always got made fun of by children due to her extreme obesity. Constance awakens, sensing DJ, Chowder, and Jenny are inside. At The Smell." You hooligans! Officer Landers Constance Nebbercracker/Monster House Eaten 5 Officer Lister Constance Nebbercracker/Monster House Eaten 6 Constance Nebbercracker/Monster House Chowder, DJ Explosion Categories Categories: Horror kill counts . Around her dead body, they found some flowers and photos that people would normally place on the grave of their loved ones. Constance plummets into the basement, where she gets covered in cement. In her first appearance, she wore a green dress with white flowers and heels. Koko Da Doll, who was featured in "Kokomo City," a documentary about four Black transgender sex workers that won awards at the Sundance Film Festival this year, was fatally . She knew that she could lure children into her house by using the possessions that Mr. Nebbercracker had confiscated from the children over the years, and knew that Halloween would be an excellent time for her to attempt to devour children as they would inevitably attempt to go trick-or-treating at the house. Therefore, Constance has suffered too long and despite his benevolent intentions to keep the children away from the house, it won't improve either of their lives Having overheard the conversation and witnessing her husband holding another's hand, Constance becomes consumed with rage and goes berserk and tears the house free from its foundations and begins to chase her husband and the kids via arms/feet made of trees on the property. In terms of backstory, Constance is similar with Onryos in mythology (includes restless souls such as. When Mr. Nebbercracker was immediately brought to the hospital, Constance immediately awakened from her years of slumber. The children head over to a local arcade and seek out the wisdom of Skull, a video game whiz who is engaged in an intense session of playing an arcade game entitled Thou Art Dead. Here, Jenny stated that the main hall was deformed into some kind of mouth cavity where the opened hole acts like a throat, the rug acts as a tongue, deformed woods around the door acts as teeth, while the hanged lamp acts as a uvula. For instance, the house has a. In its final form, the house resembles a porcupine made of timber boards, with the shattered yet same windows and a triangular mouth with a longer flange chimney set in the center of its head. Yet another reference comes when the children fall into the house's basement. The biggest reference to King's work may just be the house itself. Her husband is the sole exception, the one person she does not attack and allows to get close. Three teenagers, DJ, Chowder and Jenny think that after mean old man Nebbercracker died from a heart attack at his house, they all think it's over, but they are wrong. Things Only Adults Notice In Monster House. Whether this was true or not (or merely speculated), her size disgusted many people,even children whom made fun of her in an extreme manner. Unfortunately, they're interrupted by the police. Her wooden walls are a desert sand color. Her eyes are windows of different shapes, her left eye is square and her right eye is arch. Get away from my house! "Aah! DJ tries to calm him down, but this does not change Mr. Nebbercracker's mind to scare him further. This saddens the house and provides Nebbercracker an opportunity to end his wife's suffering using a stick of dynamite. When she was human, Constance was a tall obese woman with short black hair, pale pink cheeks and grey eyes. This ritual has been observed for years by DJ, who is shown taking Polaroid pictures through a telescope in his bedroom. DJ and Chowder then return to DJs room with Jenny to continue the investigation. A little girl named Eliza rides her tricycle around the neighborhood, singing along, but she hits the lawn and as she tries to get out, Horace Nebbercracker snaps and takes the tricycle and removes the wheel to tempt her to go away. Hetold her they were merely joking because it is Halloween, but Constance responds by saying it is her house and they are hurting it. They try to unravel the mystery of the house and they have to go inside. Sharp-eyed viewers will realize that Skull is Reginald Skulinski, the pizza delivery guy who gives the kids the lowdown on Nebbercracker's house. When Chowder explores the house and stumbles upon a large mirror that used to be Constance's mirror, Constance's spirit appears in the mirror and attacked him. Thinking that it maybe a trick, he tries to call the house itself, only for no one to answer him. Jenny manages to quickly make up what parts of the human body would coincide with the house once they get inside, . DJ's friend Chowder loses his basketball on Mr. Nebbercracker's lawn. In her final form, Constance is completely demolished but quickly assembles her broken pieces into an even more menacing form. They discovered Bones' empty bottle but dismissed it and toss it aside, unaware that the possessed grass on the lawn pulled it underground. It's the home of the old man, Horace Nebbercracker, just across the street from DJ's House, and the house possessed by his late wife Constance, after she died from falling to her into it's basement while it was still under construction and having her body poured on by cement, turning it into a living, breathing monster, that attacks anything that dares to come close to it, the house was destroyed at the end of the movie with dynamite. The ending was a little bit WTF and Dan's comments about it make it seem like things were changed that he had no control over so that's a shame. Her eyes are windows of different shapes, the left one being square and the right is semi oval. In the end, all the house's victims are revealed to be alive and well as they crawl out of the house's foundations. Yet there are full-grown deciduous trees in the film's opening shot that stretch to the horizon. Did you notice this in MONSTER HOUSE - YouTube While DJ, Jenny, and Chowder are drawing up their plans, a quick close-up of the markers they use shows what brand DJ's parents keep handy: "Sir Sniff-A-Lot." Monster House, original name Constance Nebbercracker, is the main antagonist of the 2006 animated movie, Monster House. When DJ has a nightmare about the house, the arm that reaches out from the doorway is visibly overweight, which foreshadows that the house was indeed possessed by Constance. She grew hating children for mocking and taunting her. Finally, Mr. Walters is completely unfazed when he backs into Chowder in the driveway. In his flashback, which takes place 45 years before the film's opening shot, Mayville is a virtually barren wasteland. That night, she possesses the telephone in her house (off-screen) and calls DJ through telephone. Three kids, DJ, Chowder, and Jenny discover that the house across the street from DJ's is alive. She apparently knew that she could lure children into her by using the possessions that Mr. Nebbercracker had confiscated from the children over the years, and that Halloween would be an excellent time for her to attempt to devour children as they would inevitably attempt to go trick-or-treating at the house which she possessed. Just then, Constance, who already set her sights on Jenny, possesses the porch causing the concrete slabs below her to rise and led her to the houses mouth, only to be failed by Zee and the boys' interference. Later on, when DJ and Chowder sought to investigate the house, Chowder, whom doesn't believe strange things that occurred inside the house, starts to fool around on the house's lawn. While this seems like relatively uninteresting information on the surface, Chowder goes on to drop an attention-grabbing tidbit: His mom is at the movies with her personal trainer. . Officer Lister taunts the tree, which suddenly, prompts it to move and grab his leg. The house had the slinkies snatch Chowder before doing the same on the pipes (organs) that snatch Jenny and had the wooden stairs attack DJ, who barely escaped back to the hall that turned into a mouth cavity, with his friends nearly devoured. He then checks to make sure no one is looking before taking a deep swig from the bottle. When DJ asks Chowder where his parents are before asking to meet up in "the Danger Zone," Chowder responds that his dad is working at the pharmacy. And from the sounds of it, the two are clandestinely meeting while her husband is tied up at work. Constance hates Jenny because she helped DJ and chowder to stop her evil plan and was the one who cause herself to throw her, DJ and chowder out of the house. Live out her life in solitude with Nebbercracker. Yet something is amiss about this sequence, in which the house trudges through the neighborhood, roaring with fury. The trio assumed that the house is inhabited by Mr. Nebbercracker's soul As the trio went home, DJ believes that the possession of the house started when the furnace inside the house was set alight, implying that the furnace was the houses heart. She was DJ's former arch-nemesis and Mr. Nebbercracker's wife. These are the characters that appear in Monster House. They later decided to have a discussion on Reginald "Skull" Skullinski on a cafeteria, where he believes that the possessed house was a monster named Domus Mactabillis, or at least that was he thought as he knew about from comic book conventions. Contents 1 Role in the Film 1.1 The House Awakens 1.2 Meeting Jenny Bennett 1.3 Planning to Kill the House 1.4 Exploring the House 1.5 Final Fight However, the idea was scrapped for being too dark. Constance furiously believes that DJ is trying to take Nebbercracker away from her. Before her death, her dress was full red. However, his intentions were far less noble: Mr. Walters spied on "the lovely Jensen twins." In the end, all the house's victims were revealed to be alive as well as they crawl out of the house's foundations. Monster House is a 2006 animated horror/comedy movie directed by Gil Kenan. The first and most overt comes after Mr. Nebbercracker catches DJ on his lawn trying to retrieve Chowder's new basketball. The kids then resume the investigation when suddenly, the floor below them opened, sending them to the basement where Nebbercracker kept the stolen toys from the children. Yet not a single one of them is shown during the chase scene. Get away from my house! Mr. Nebbercracker tells her to look at him and tries to convince her he will not let anyone hurt her. For instance, the house has a functioning heart secured within its furnace. When DJ's babysitter Zee invites her boyfriend Bones over to his house, she introduces him by saying, "He's in a band." As seen later in the movie, the house actually houses a human spirit: that of Constance, Nebbercracker's long-dead wife who, much like Nebbercracker . The house roars, prompting them to flee in terror. I'll get you!Horace Nebbercracker: Constance, No! Before it was too late, they rushed toward her and convince her to go away. Yes, I'm hurt! Despite being killed, her soul became the vengeful spirit both due to her rage and unwillingness to leave her husband. The house remains still until morning, though DJ and Chowder continue to watch it from DJ's room for hours even with Zee's interference and resort to pee in bottles so they will not miss any of the possessed house's activities. Right off the bat, he comes off as emotionally stunted. The only bits of foliage shown are a few modest tree sprouts in the lot's front yard and a few bushes next to the property. Reginald Skulinski is worshipped by DJ and Chowder as a minor god of video games. DJ and Jenny are knocked into the construction site as a result of the house and Chowder's battle on top of the cliff that leads down to the site. Once DJ goes to his room, she pops a cassette into the stereo labeled "Skull x Bones Live! Thou Art Dead features an axe-wielding hero fighting monsters in classic 8-bit style. Monster House was able to reform in a less neat and more rough looking form, but she still appeared to be fine, despite how she looked, and was possibly even stronger than before, despite her still being made of wood and bricks. It is unknown why no one else in the neighborhood heard or even questioned the obvious screaming and loud noises from the house possessed by Constance, especially when chasing DJ, Chowder, Jenny, and Nebbercracker down the streets. Now, all three of them need to try and stop the house and the only way by doing that is to go inside the house. The kids then resume the investigation where suddenly, the floor below them opened, sending them to the basement where Nebbercracker kept the confiscated toys from children. She then possessed the now-finished house to accompany Mr. Nebbercracker for 45 years. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. However, this nearly made the house awaken as the house' main hall turned into a mouth-like cavern before spitting a large amount of water. DJ stated that Zee and Bones had a conversation about Nebbercrackers past life and assumed that he devoured Constance much to Jennys disgust. There, they discovered Nebbercrackers old explosives and photographs depicting Nebbercracker when he was young alongside his wife Constance when she was alive. It certainly does not look like a menu for a typical children's film.,, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, DJ Walters (archenemy, escaped and killer). At that day, the children threw rocks at her, in which she responded by asking Mr. Nebbercracker for help. However, DJ accidentally desecrated Constance's remains by breaking the concrete casing that covered the corpse, revealing the skeleton and inciting the house's fury. DJ and Jenny are knocked into the construction site as a result of the house and Chowder's battle on top of the cliff that leads down to the site. The kids managed to escape but are trapped inside the house as they witness the houses interior revert back to normal. The old man is well-known for terrorizing the neighborhood's children over the years. He remarks to his wife, "You would be so happy if [DJ] was under this car." Due to nature of her death and misery she has gone through, Constance is trapped in angry, hateful, loathsome, obstreperous, uncomplimentary, treacherous, uncaring, merciless, bloodthirsty, destructive, and heartless state: When others come near her or the house, she will immediately attacked them except for her husband. Little DJ has suspicions about the house across the street and the cranky old man who lives there. There's not a lot of background information given on the town of Mayville until Mr. Nebbercracker's flashback takes place. We can accept that there are no police, since the house ate the town's only two officers, but the total lack of public reaction to the giant wooden horror is a bit jarring. Just then, Chowder spotted the hanging lamp (the uvula) in the houses hall, prompting them to shoot it. However, DJ's spying operation goes deeper than snapshots he takes meticulous notes on his elderly neighbor's movements. Both the boys are horrified by this, believing that Nebbercracker had died. The four of them run in terror, going down an alleyway where Nebbercracker is forced to stay behind due to his old age preventing him from keeping up and encouraging the kids to go on without him. Beware of spoilers! This also explained why her rage escalated further upon seeing her husband made up his mind to put her out of her misery before the kids eventually interfered and did him a favor instead. A fact which related to Horace's former occupation as the member of demolition squad which Constance knew pretty well but easily overlooked by audience that they left baffled by how DJ managed to destroy the house she possessed with a dynamite was a stash of explosives belonged to her husband which he apparently stored in a part of the house the kids had no chance to explore (likely somewhere near a box of dynamite Chowder stumbled upon). Stephen King and horror go hand-in-hand. Upon closer inspection, gamers might just notice something familiar about the gothic side-scroller. Constance Nebbercracker/Synopsis | Villains Wiki | Fandom The house roars, prompting them to flee in terror. He also refuses his wife's request to blow his son a kiss as they drive off. The police officers, however, were not the sole target, as they had the trees grab the police car and devour it into its mouth inside along with the kids. The house remains still until morning, though DJ and Chowder continue to watch it from DJs room for hours even with Zees interference and resort to peeing in bottles, so they wont miss any of the possessed houses activities. But one Halloween some children decided to torment and laugh at her. It seems that Chowder has mixed up the uvula, the fleshy projection dangling at the back of the human throat, with a private part of the female anatomy. The house then picks them up one by one after spotting the kids before they find the place to hide. Despite being labelled as a circus freak, Constance is shown to be rather intelligent. Officer Landers notices that something seems not right as the other one suddenly driven away with the tree's roots. Just then, Constance grabs her husband with the intentions of killing him for this apparent betrayal before DJ, Chowder, and Jenny arrive just in time with an excavator, which proves effective against the house. One day, when Chowder's basketball accidentally flew into Mr. Nebbercracker's lawn and prompts DJ to bring it back, Mr. Nebbercracker ambushes and storms towards him. I am an admin of this site. DJ was happy he did not make the old man be killed, but only crippled him instead. After scraping a match against the wood to light it, the house gasps in shock and Mr. Nebbercracker prepares to set the dynamite on fire with the match, allowing it to be the right thing to do. Witnessing this, they realise that the house only moved when the unsuspecting victim approached, and Jenny decided to call the police As they were waiting, the trio imagines what would happen if many children came to that house due to tonight being Halloween. When DJ got the call, he only hears furious growls instead of a word. They manage to formulate a plan where Chowder will lure the house under a crane so the two can drop the stick of dynamite down its chimney which leads to the heart. The house then pick them one by one after spotting the kids before they find the place to hide. For a brief moment, they are distracted by a beautiful girl named Jenny who, much to their horror, approaches the house. Jenny Bennett is the tritagonist of Monster House. This pays homage to the iconic scene inStanley Kubrick's adaption ofThe Shining, when Danny Torrance rides his big wheel tricycle through the halls of the Overlook Hotel. DJ finally convinces Mr. Nebbercracker that it's time to let go of his attachment to his wife-possessed house but Constance doesn't take this development in stride. Still, her spirit l. Her wooden skin is a desert sand colour. There, they discovered Mr. Nebbercracker's old explosives and photographs depicting Mr. Nebbercracker when he was young alongside his wife Constance when she was alive. However, both films are six years apart from each other. They later decided to have a discussion on Reginald Skull Skullinski at Pizza Freek, where he believes that the possessed house was a monster named Domus Mactabillis (Deadly Home in Latin) or at least that was he believed as he knew about from comic book conventions. When awakened or disturbed, parts of Constance break apart to further reveal her monstrous nature and she puts herself back together when calming down. When Constance sees this, she proceeds to possess his kite within the basement, and uses it to lure Bones into the house. Eventually, Mr. Nebbercracker rescued her from the circus and then married her. Read at your own risk. For a brief moment, they are distracted by a beautiful girl named Jenny who, much to their horror, approaches the house. Feeling betrayed and hurt, Constance takes control of the trees in the front yard and lifts up the whole house, making it mobile. What Shows Have Been Renewed or Canceled. There are no screams, no people running indoors, no one gaping in awe at a mobile haunted house. Early drafts of the film revealed concepts for Constance's character that were not used due to be deemed too disturbing and to keep the rating: The interior of the house possessed by Constance was warped that it resembled much more interior of human organs. Monster House | Death Battle Fanon Wiki | Fandom Early script also further cemented Constance's status as an antagonist who posed greater threat than either Zee or Bones as there is a scrapped scenario where Zee also ended up attacked by Constance. The trees uproot and attach to her roof allowing her to walk, her wooden teeth become more pronounced, and her eyes are now a fiery orange color. The early script also further cemented Constance's status as an antagonist who posed a greater threat than either Bones or Zee as there was a scrapped scene where Zee also ends up attacked by Constance when Zee was grabbed by one of the trees while the kids were in the cop car. The confused boy muses, "Oh, so it's a girl house." However her spirit was angry and possessed the house willing to attack and eat any child that gets too close. April 21, 2023. The house's furnace (the heart) burns on its own, and with both the house and lawn under her control, she caused them to emit sad, groaning voices as the ambulance approaches to carry her husband away. Monster House Animation 2006 1 hr 30 min English audio PG CC Buy or rent Three teens discover that their neighbor's house is really a living, breathing, scary monster, and decide that. Furthermore, she didn't attempt to devour the cops that DJ, Jenny, and Chowder had called to the scene until she was certain that they wouldn't be able to call for assistance. DJ and Chowder then return to DJ's room with Jenny to continue the investigation. Death Battle Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Afterward, while DJ sneaks away, Bones (who had lost his kite when he was 10 years old) expresses his anger and sadness over his stolen kite on Nebbercracker's house by damaging the lawn. When they entered it, they discovered Constance's corpse that was covered by cement layer. When DJ's parents travel on the eve of Halloween and the abusive babysitter Zee stays with him, he calls his clumsy best friend Chowder to play basketball. ", "Hurt?! It's my house, and they're HURTING ME! By this point, DJ learned that all this time, the house was possessed by Constance's restless spirit. Nebbercracker's wife, Constance, was in the circus as "The Lady as Big as a House." Real sensitive. When Jenny points out the house's uvula, Chowder claims that the house must be female, foreshadowing that he was correct. Moments foreshadowing Constance's dark fate are scattered throughout Monster House. Bones throws a label-less bottle at the house, which makes it clear that he was drinking beer before crossing the street. Things then suddenly became worse as the house attacks them and devours Officer Landers alive while sadistically playing with Officer Lister whom it grabbed via branches before eventually tossing him into its mouth. She is also very disagreeable and unpleasant, so she frequently dislikes the circus and playful teasing, which is evident by her reacting to the boys throwing eggs and rocks at her before death and overhearing others talking about her in house form.
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