Andrew: Yeah, it was created for English Bibles to translate a couple of words, one from Hebrew, one from Greek. Andrew: And freedom being given by Christ from that. Fr. Andrew: Thank you for calling, Father. Andrew: Amen. Fr. Two things had to first happen for Trinitarian theology to be hammered out, or so I thought. This is before Christs birth, an awareness that were managing the problem, were dealing with the problem, but were not solving the problem. And by the way, those handful of later Greek usages seem to be based on the Jewish use of it, meaning its used in contexts where someone is making some kind of offering to a supernatural being, to a spiritual being. Thats absolutely a blessing! Instagram, RSS & iTunes And whats interesting there is people may know that these angelic names that end in -elEl is Godso Gabriel is Gibor-el, the mighty man of God; Michael is Micha-el: who is like God. Stephen: Right, that was later. In a passage drawing on his readers experiences of Jewish and of pagan ritual sacrifice, St. Paul emphasizes the continuity of the Holy Eucharist with these familiar, though now superseded, practices. Stephen: Yeah, and a solid 80% of kidding aside, the point you made about it being references to the Day of Atonement is again important. Stephen: Its important to cover that because reading a lot of things back into that word did not stop with the King James translators who were doing their best and sort of didnt know any better. Andrew: Yeah, I know. "Atonement" is a word invented for the translation of the Bible into English, because there was no good English word for the concept it describes. Fr. The answer, according to Fr. (Ok, technically the Orthodox Church denies penal substitutionary atonement while affirming substitutionary atonement, but most people, including well-meaning Orthodox who deny substitution completely, are not familiar with this distinction.) He holds a PhD in Biblical Studies from Amridge University and is the host of the The Whole Counsel of God podcast and co-host of the Lord of Spirits podcast on Ancient Faith Radio. Fr. What we reliably know about them is, "Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. We understand theres kind of like a pipeline from there to here. Fr. Fr. Fr. Stephen: Yeah, so this gets sort of double interesting, because not only do we have the made-up English word that is primarily reflecting, as you just described, an English concept than it is trying to reflect an original word The reason for that is the Greek word, ilasterion, doesnt occur anywhere that we still possess until Jewish folks start using it, meaning the Greek Old Testament and then works like Philo, Josephus, etc. Dr. Stephen De Young is Pastor of Archangel Gabriel Orthodox Church in Lafayette, Louisiana. Stephen: And, briefly, since you brought up the next few episodes about geography, I know Maps is going to end up on the playlist, so lets make sure its the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and not Maroon 5. Fr. Andrew: Okay, but these three things: wrapped around with a scarlet cord, being beaten with a reed to drive it out, mocked and spit upondoes that sound like anything to anybody? The first is that Orthodox Christianity had to interact with heresies, resulting in various doctrinal formulas such as Trinitarian doctrine. And it should inspire us to cry out to the Lord for mercy with gratitude and thankfulness for all that he has done, and then that we would enter into that and to participate in it ourselves. Andrew: Yeah, which makes no sense if you think atone means make up for or pay off or whatever, some kind of satisfaction theology. Religion of the Apostles: Orthodox Christianity in the First Century Stephen: [Laughter] Uh-oh! A lot of them who didnt know 2 and 3 John existed accepted 1 John. Andrew: Yeah, what is it about that blood that actually has that purifying effect? Okay, so St. Matthew, he talks about Christ as being the goat that gets sent off to Azazel, right? Im going to describe this. Fr. Just to set a the latter two of those preserved for us in Slavonic. 9781944967550. by Stephen De Young. Andrew: Yeah. Its not a big mystery. But, yes, this is St. Matthew is deliberately subverting a potentially anti-Semitic reading of this. Andrew: [Scoff] Yeah! Okay, so how is that related to what weve been talking about? Fr. The only other place where the phrase for the whole world, or the phrase the whole world, tou olou kosmou, occurs in 1 John is in chapter 5, the verse we read: The whole world lies under the power of the evil one. So if you want to interpret the whole world in 1 John 2:2 as referring to the people in the world, then St. John is saying that all the people in the world lie under the power of the evil one, which would include himself and the Church, and that makes no sense in the context of the epistle where hes clearly distinguishing between two groups of people. Its remembered as being the decisive battle of the American Late Unpleasantness. Why is that aww! Send it out. Fr. Fr. Fr. It has to be made holy, set apart again for the use of God alone. Fr. Andrew: [Laughter] Nothing against you, kefir-drinkers. Stephen De Young continues the discussion of Revelation, Chapter 13. Fr. Fr. For those of us in the Byzantine rite of the Orthodox Church, which is most Orthodox Christians, this last Sunday was the Sunday of the Last Judgment, in which we heard Matthew 25, where we heard that sheep go to heaven and goats go to hell. Im going to give you this job, so look this up, Richard. Where there post-flood Nephilim, were Nephilim "giants," was King Og the result of "demonic fornication," etc. Andrew: Yeah, which were actually about to show you how its the opposite. Stephen has blogged about previously here as well. They come into power in the same way that our sin brings us under the power, brings us into bondage under those hostile powers. So not only for our sins, which are taken away, but for the whole world, which is now purified and made holy and sacred, first in potency, first, as with everything eschatological, this is happening in real time, like we talked about in our Halloween episode, but this will ultimately come to fruition, then, in the new heavens and the new earth, just as, right now the evil one is bound and in a hole, and hell be chucked in the lake of fire then at that latter point. Fr. Theyre preserved for us in Slavonic and were being copied in monasteries in the Orthodox world right up into the 16th century when the printing press was invented, so they were being deliberately preserved for us within the Church, not just accidentally we found them in the desert somewhere.. Fr. Fr. Andrew: Now everyones going to want to read it! Stephen: In St. Matthews gospel in particular we see a lot of this connection to Christ as the scapegoat, and one of the places where we really see that isnow this requires you reading some outside the New Testament literaturebut the epistle of Barnabas gives a little bit more detailed description of how the Day of Atonement ritual was being performed, sort of in some of the small details that had accrued over time, in the first century AD. And Yahoel, the Yaho- is Yahweh. Email Newsletter, Terms of Use Privacy Policy Permissions Content Disclaimer, The Religion of the Apostles: Orthodox Christianity in the First Century, The Whole Counsel of God: An Introduction to Your Bible. En (James A.) Stephen began dismantling many assumptions that had been part of the taken-for-granted background to my understanding of Christian origins. Fr. Special request. Yeah, theres more to it than that, of course. I remember as a boy going to the Christian Booksellers Association annual convention (publisher-funded trips to the convention was one of the perks of having a well-known Christian author as a dad) and relishing a cassette tape I picked up of a new translation of the Bible. Stephen: So the whole thing is burned. So sin brings the chaos in, or you could say it turns what has been made orderly and beautiful chaotic again. Stephen, where is that word from? Amen. And then what happens next? Fr. That mentions Azazel, doesnt it? Its not Yeah. Fr. Sometimes, yeah, thats interpreted Anytime someone puts their hands on an animal, thats interpreted as meaning that theyre putting sins on it. So tonight were wrapping up this three-part series on sacrifice by talking about atonement. Stephen: You mean butterflies arent curdled dairy products? I mean, this is how granular this gets. So theyre taken out of the world. Fr. Is atonement purely theoretical? Stephen: Right, and through theology that had developed in Latin, they had an idea of what that was supposed to mean, or what it had come to mean theologically, and so they were really translating that. Andrew: Yeah, so the goat is sent to Azazel. the notoriously difficult Gen. 6:1-4 (Stuckenbruck 355). And where does that actually first show up? When Christ says hes sanctifying himself, its not as if he was unholy before and hes doing some action; that him sanctifying himself is talking about his incarnation, his earthly life, and his coming death, in which he has sanctified himself, his person, in order that his disciples in all ages would be sanctified, would be made holy. Andrew: Yeah, and some people out there are probably like: Why are they emphasizing this? And the reason is that a lot of Reformation theology kind of hangs on the idea that the goat is being punished, that the goat does have But, again, look what it says. Andrew: [Laughter] That we always get! [Laughter]. The early Christians did not deduce the doctrine of the Trinity from the fact that they were worshiping Jesus, nor did they come up with Trinitarian theology as a way of buffering the Church against heresy. And so when the lots are cast, one of these two goats is designated as the goat for Yahweh, and the other goat is designated as the goat for Azazel. because I know the Protestants like to interpret that as shifting their sins onto the animal so that it works with their penal substitution model. He then has broken Azazels hold over the world, and so now the whole cosmos, the whole creation can become sacred space, can be purified and can be sacred space. Fr. So atonement is here to stay. You guys are all asking the wrong questions! Theyre claiming some kind of economic theory of atonement here! Yeah, no. Fr. For those of you who know what that is, you know who you are. I know. Fr. Fr. Stephen De Young is an Orthodox priest. YouTube I liked the book, and I am so grateful for the discussions it has spawned within my own Orthodox congregation concerning the role of historical scholarship in interpreting Scripture. Fr. And again, this is all about not dying. Also considered is the possibility that the Biblical Nimrod, a descendant of Ham, was the Sumerian king Gilgamesh, and that he also was genetically Nephilim. So when we look at the Day of Atonement we have to start with the fact that it is doing something different than the sin-offerings are doing. Just read the passage, and you can see that that stuff is just simply not there. Lets be clear on that. Here's the link to the Revelation 7 episode that he mentions: Fr. And, one way or another, thats going to kill the goat. They meant, at the time, was putting man and God together at one. That was the intention. Andrew: Yeah, theres this veiling that happens. Fr. Fr. Im just pointing out that you asked a perfectly logical question based on a bad translation. One of the doctrines that Rabbinic Judaism removed from their religion was the teaching widespread in the Second Temple Period that God is more than one person. Is it because its being offered to God? Andrew: [Laughter] Yeah, actually we looked this up and we could find no link, but who knows? So, actually, there is really important theology and teaching and doctrine thats in these three letters. Thats like everyones evening devotional reading right there. Well, the text doesnt actually say how many there were; there were three gifts. The Religion of the Apostles: Orthodox Christianity in the First So you have to go back past the Greek a little bit. Stephen: On the tip of everyones tongue at all times is the structure of Leviticus. Fr. The only time it happens is this, and that animal is not sacrificed. Were going to see, to tip our hatsspoilersthat in the New Testament, Christ is both goats. Maybe Fr. So this sort of has positive connotations. Fr. Fr. There is literally no informationnow, this ritual, when you read Leviticus 16, theres a lot of detail here; weve already started with some of it, were going to have more detail as we go, but exactly whats to be done, there is no detail on how this goat is to be killed. But we have As we talked about last time, the sin-offerings that are being offered every day are not transactional. But if we understand purification just in this kind of reduced sense, without all of this atonement imagery from the Day of Atonement ritual and then the eschatological Day of Atonement, then we can tend to look at Christian life as a kind of self-help program. Copyright 2005-2023 Ancient Faith Ministries, Inc.All Rights Reserved. Fr. [Laughter] But when hands were laid in sacrificial rituals Its the goat for Azazel where it says he lays hands on it and then pronounces the sins. Theres a lot of people standing around; this is the person whom were setting apart for this purpose. So Ill take the heat for that one. She would therefore have passed her DNA to some of her children (especially to her son Canaan) and later descendants, so that individuals of large size and/or psychopathic behavior could therefore reappear later in history. Fr. Stephen: In any way. I am coming to understand that the Orthodox view is the correct one. So you see, for example, the teaching of the works of Azazel. Fr. And you know, when an apostle interprets the Old Testament for you? So one of them was Antiochus, I believe it was the [First, or else Seleucus III], was Soter: the Savior. Andrew: But we have two goats. Stephen De Young concludes St. Paul's letter to the Galatians, by discussing chapters 5 and 6. So it does end up being germane to our topic this evening. Stephen: So the name of this angel is Yahweh-God. And heres the problem; heres the problem with that: not only is that, I think, just incorrect, but it also makes it so that all the other waysas weve seen so many of themthat the ritual of the Day of Atonement is expressed in the New Testament and in the work of Christ, you miss a lot of that, because its been reduced to a system. Whats going on there? Awesome. Stephen: Right, the goat for Yahweh. What Hebrews 9:11-14 says that the key event that made this transition between the purification of just this small sacred space to the whole of creation is when Christ enters into the heavenly sanctuary as high priest, which is describing his ascension into heaven. [Laughter] Its very literal. If you didnt get a chance to call in during the live broadcast, wed love to hear from you either via email at, or you can message us at our Lord of Spirits podcast Facebook page. And if youre listening to us live, you can call in at 855-AF-RADIO; thats 855-237-2346, and we will get to your calls in the second part of todays show. Fr. Fr. Andrew: Yeah [Laughter] So they just kind of perpetuated what had been done before. Well, its Goat Week on The Lord of Spirits podcast! Stephen: But due to the frequency of the show, is it not actually Goat Fortnight? Fr. Thats his indictment; thats the charge against him. Dan: Okay. Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick finish their three-part series on sacrifice. The views of select philosophers and theologians on the implications of the Mesopotamian and apocryphal texts in the testaments will be explored. The idea of aliens, giants and mysterious monolithic structures has become popularized. Fr. And that just sort of beautifully anticipates St. Gregory the Theologian, whereand now hes speaking in the context of christology, although, I mean, if you understand christology in this full sense, it really just lights upwhere St. Gregory says, What is not assumed is not healed. And now hes talking about: Christ has to be fully human. And whats fun about it is it actually is Sometimes it gets explained as at-one-ment, and that is correct! Stephen: Right, thats not actually in there, no.
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