S. Ahmad Ali Shah vitriolic speeches against Qizilbash and Shamsi reached a climax. A number of polemics against the greediness of the zkirs and their mis-handling of the majlis had been published in the Shia press already since the mid-1950s, especially in al-Muballigh.249Close An editorial of that journal from September 1961 was peculiarly outspoken (excerpts): Has Husain been martyred just for the purpose that some people would sit together and weep for him? 323; Shaukat Ali, Pakistan, pp. It would reach a climax in the early 1970s, when some prominent ulam became more or less openly affiliated to the Shaikhiya school of thought.300Close Although the latter would then lose ground among the Shia awm, the orthodox ulam have not been able to overcome the hegemony of the zkirs and popular preachers until present times. The text quoted above contained a new element of criticism of the professional preachers, namely the accusation that they were corrupting Shia doctrines with ghulw and tafwz. She made her presentation as an entertainer in 2000 on PTV Channel. Actress and model, Humaima Malick is also one of the most famous celebrities who are Shia Muslims. For his further political career see Pirzada, Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam, passim, and (especially concerning his attitude towards Shias) below, pp. ; there had been a small hostel for Shia students in Lahore run by the AWSM since 1938. He was mentioned in protocols of ITHS conventions only on rare occasions; see Razkr 12/7:2 (16 February 1949); 19/13:1 (1 April 1956); 24/16:3 (24 April 1961). Literally: one who is cutting short; the word also means sinner or guilty in Urdu. On alleged ghulw (exaggeration) in Shia religious practice in Pakistan see sections 4.4, pp. He is noted for his calming presence and delivering speeches in a soothing manner, and mostly focusing on the importance of respecting and loving one's parents. There must not be any ban on azdr for the Lord of Martyrs. For 40-year-old Tehseen, Kashif was her whole world. The founding director of the latter, S. Gulab Ali Shah Naqvi, took the lead in replying to Muhammad Ismail in the same vein. Razkr 26/4:1+5 (24 January 1963); 26/5:23 (1 February 1963). Thus the preacher makes the majlis senseless from the outset. A milestone in this respect was the translation of Shaikh Ibn Babuya as-Sadduqs Aqid mazhab al-sha by S. Manzur Husain Bukhari (Sargodha) with lengthy commentaries from Muhammad Husain Dhakko, which was published in 1964 under the title Ahsan ul-fawid f sharhi l-aqid.257Close With this book Dhakko laid the ground for a controversy that was still going on more than three decades later. Dihlavi, who feared that agitation in Lahore and elsewhere might turn violent and jeopardise the achievements of three years of Shia communal mobilisation, agreed to these conditions and called off the Lahore Convention.353Close He even allowed Qizilbash to portray himself as having taken over the command of the campaign for the Shia demands. Already in the second half of 1965, the supporters of S. Muhammad Dihlavi had set up Shia Mutlabt Committees (SMCs) in a number of towns and districts.307Close Faced with the permanent rivalry between the APSC and the ITHS, and the obstacles which some leading figures of both organ-isations put in the way of his movement out of sheer jealousy, Dihlavi in early 1966 decided to elevate the SMC to a new countrywide organisation of its own, completely sidelining the APSC and ITHS. 17075. The following is a list of notable Shia Muslims . See the full text in Razkr 26/4647:3 (16 December 1963). He argued that this religious taxtheoretically one fifth of the net annual savings of the Shia believers217Closecould only be spent for the support of needy sayyids.218Close But this had never been the case in Shia religious practice anywhere. al-Muballigh 8/8:3334 (September 1964) mentioned Dhakkos excellent speech at the August 1964 Rawalpindi Convention, and the journal regularly published articles in support of the Shia Mutlabt Movement during the following years. The President had agreed in principle and declared his readiness to form a mixed board with adequate Shia representation to revise syllabi and make recommendations for the removal of such contents which would be objectionable for Shias. A number of public meetings were held during a stay of Dihlavi in Lahore from 1928 September and afterwards, while Qizilbash and Shamsi preferred to keep a low profile.387Close They tried to counter the SMC movement with some religious figures interposed,388Close but almost all prominent Shia ulam had meanwhile rallied behind S. Muhammad Dihlavi.389Close Dihlavi and his entourage followed up their stay in Lahore with a trip to Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Kohat, Hangu and the Kurram Agency (29 September7 October), i.e. Some leading ITHS office holders from Karachi then published devastating polemics against Shamsi,341Close whereas the editor of Razkr, who had generally supported the ITHS until early 1964, now opined that the organisation had ceased to exist since seven years.342Close In Lahore, too, the ITHS split into supporters and opponents of Shamsi, whose influence among Shias reached a low point during the coming years.343Close. He presented his own views on correct beliefs about the Shia Imams and other subjects in a categorical manner, while at the same time mincing no words in his refutation of what he considered ghulw and tafwz propagated by most preachers in Pakistan at that time.258Close, Dhakkos book was well received by many orthodox ulam and instructors of dn madris, but it was naturally rejected by those who where the objects of his polemics. No arguments or proofs are needed to verify this bitter truth because it is clearly visible, but since some obstinate people do not even admit a plain truth without arguments and proofs, I will bring a number of explanations so that they may be reassured 266Close. al-Muballigh 10/34:76. famous shia zakir in pakistan. 2.086 million and in 19656 Rs. , Pakistan is a democratic country where the rights of all citizens are equal and where it is a fundamental right to make use of public places for gatherings etc. Sitting by his grave, she tells the story of the day she lost her brother in the attack, a sequence of bomb blasts which killed at least 45 . the Shias must not invite such ulam and zkirs to their majlis and mahfil who oppose the [three] demands or do not support them or declare their neutrality 331Close, Other resolutions concerned some specific demands and complaints from the authorities.332Close The call for immediate acceptance of the three demands (Resolution No. A. Faisal Raza Abidi; Agha Shaukat Ali; Athar Ali (scientist) These enemies of Pakistan are spreading false information about azdr among the awm, for example that the sahba of the Prophet are abused during Shia majlis and juls, that Shias are no Muslims, that Shias spit into water and let others drink it, that Shias are idolaters, and who knows what else Shias have become an impure minority in they eyes of the other sects. Dihlavi hesitated almost two months until deciding about the five Shia delegates. This book was not only a rejoinder to the detractors of his Ahsan ul-fawid (see above), but a compendium of the doctrines of orthodox Twelver Shiism on the Imams and prophets, their miracles and their special qualities, as laid down by its leading authorities one thousand years ago.280Close Its third chapter dealt with the rejection of tafwz,281Close while its ninth chapter was devoted exclusively to refuting the accusation of Wahhabism levelled against him and his supporters, by explaining the difference between the Wahhabiya and Shiism.282Close But most controversial was the last chapter of the book, which started with the following statement (excerpts): After having refuted the accusation of Wahhabism against some Shia ulam it is now appropriate to disclose a bitter and hidden truth, namely that those professional orators who are denouncing the Shia ulam and muhaqqiqn283Close as muqassir or Wahhabi, and those (outwardly) believers who are caught in their net of falsification, are holding and propagating the false (btil) doctrines of the mufawwiza284Close and the Shaikhiya.285Close With other words, those whose doctrines and beliefs are nowadays understood and accepted as the Shia mazhab are not following the mazhab of the ahl al-bait, but that of the mufawwiza which was led by Shaikh Ahmad Ahsai.286Close Numerous great Shia ulam have proclaimed fatws against the Shaikhiya accusing it of of kufr, How did these corrupted beliefs reach our country, and how did they influence our simple awm? A remarkable greeting address was sent to Multan from S. Ibn Hasan Jarchavi, who could not attend the convention due to illness. 4323. A new Shia movement led by Sayyid Muhammad Dihlavi was launched in 1964 pressing for three demands, namely separate religious instruction, exclusive Shia control over their religious endowments (Auqaf), and freedom and protection of their religious processions. A living example were the protests, which a were raised against the Christian missionary schools when they were still giving lessons on the Bible certainly Pakistani Muslims did not accept that their children learn Christian beliefs since questions of belief are so sensitive, decide by yourselves how long a sect can tolerate that its children are taught something that is against its doctrines, and that their minds, which are like a white sheet of paper, are imprinted with the beliefs and teaching of others. Razkr 22/44:3. When all pre-emptive measures had failed and some 15,000 Shias from many parts of Pakistan had gathered in Rawalpindi to start agitation, the government finally decided to give in. #28. By that time, thousands of Shias from other parts of Pakistan had already arrived in the town for the convention scheduled for 1011 February. 1525; Pirzada, Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam, pp. See sections 3.4, pp. 13942, 42148. 17677.). On the March 1956 convention see section 3.2, pp. These demands are a matter of life or death for us. Neither has such a separation caused so much extra expenses or work that it would have been impractical.374Close, According to General Muhammad Musa, Ayub Khan himself held similar views and had instructed him to have the problem solved as soon as possible.375Close However, faced with increasing pressure from the opposition parties in that year,376Close the government was not ready to offer radical Sunnis another issue for attacks on itself, and it continued to temporise. Razkr 28/43:3 (16 November 1965). Naturally, nothing was done in these months to implement the promises given to the Shias. the belief that God delegated some of his powers to the Imams; see Naqvi, Controversy, pp. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Quoted from Pakistan Times, 2 November 1968. On 14 December 1967 a three-month ban on public speeches was imposed on Dihlavi and Mushtaq Husain Naqvi.378Close On 4 February 1968 a ban on assemblies (Section 144 PPC) in Hyderabad followed. As a follow-up to the May 1958 convention at the Jmiat ul-Muntazar,231Close a meeting of the directors of most Shia madris took place during the 12th annual session of the Dr ul-Ulm Sargodha on 13 April 1960, apparently achieving a breakthrough for the unification of syllabi.232Close A third meeting of this kind took place in the Jmiat ul-Muntazar on 5 January 1962, mainly to protest against the non-inclusion of Shias into a sub-committee of the Auqaf Department entrusted with the reform of syllabi of the dn madris.233Close A central supervising body (Majlis-i Nazrat-i Sha Madris-i Arabya) was formed at another 1962 meeting in the Jmiat Immya Lahore, but satisfactory results were achieved only after the formation of the Wafq ul-Madris ash-Sha in 1979.234Close, The Ayub Khan government at that time tried to enforce priority of the secular syllabus, which had been taught along with the religious syllabus already in the 1950s, on the dn madris and bring their teaching staff under state supervision. Curiously enough, in the same years when almost all Shia ulam rallied behind Dihlavi for the sake of the three demands, the same ulam split into two camps propagating different religious doctrines and practices with increasing obstinacy. 6), as usual, did not impress the government too much. (retd.) She is known for her jobs in Talafi, Khaas, and Malaal e Yaar. She finished her examinations from the University of Lahore. Razkr 31/36:12 (1 October 1968); 31/3839:56 (1624 October 1968). Razkr 23/15:3 (16 April 1960). Razkr 28/3435:12 (816 September 1965) mentions a pamphlet Mr-i stn (Snake in the sleeve) with heavy accusations against the said traitors published in Karachi in January 1965. 8.Zakir Naik-Quran and modern science 9.Shabbir Ally Science the answer - A Comparison of Atheism and Islam 10.From Atheism to Belief: A Journey to Islam in North America by Dr. Jeffrey Lang (Part 1/17) He is making allusions to the way the Auqaf Department made use of the income of auqf for its own purposes; see Malik, Islamisierung, pp. By September 1960, already 800 auqf were covered by the new regulations (Razkr 23/37:1; 1 October 1960). Starting in October that year, he published a series of articles in his journal Sadqat in which he accused those ulam who run the dn madris with harsh and insulting words of misusing funds given to them as khums. 13536. 136Close. Sadiq Hasan (Pakistan) 5. Razkr 29/3435:1, 12 (18 September 1966). IV, pp. The SMCs were supposed to give publicity to decisions and appeals of the centre, but also take initiatives of their own on the local level, for example against any obstruction of azdr. Ansari is even reported to have incited Mushtaq Husain Naqvi to give a good trashing to the traitors during the latters speech at Mochi Gate on 25 October (Razkr 31/40:1). See section 4.5, pp. 12829; 5.6, p. 176. The pet object of their diatribes remained azdr processions. From 1964 to 1970 he was Chairman of the CII; see Rh, Tazkira-yi ulam-i Panjb, Vol. By 1964 he was again very active in this field, apparently still enjoying privileged access to the ruling circles.14Close Among those disqualified through EBDO were also his distant relative Mumtaz Husain Qizilbash (18971964), who had been Chief Minister of the Khairpur State from 1948 until its dissolution in 1955 and later a minister of the West Pakistan government,15Close and Col. There were a number of other changes affecting the Shias. Shamsi reacted by calling himself for a meeting of the Council on 23 October in the house of S. Muhammad Ali Zaidi in Lahore, sending invitations to Council members without even informing the Chairman. Apart from accusations that armed Shias themselves had provoked the clashes in Lahore,99Close the demand to ban all Shia azdr processions was repeated forcefully at a meeting of six Sunni groups in Lahore on 16 June.100Close A common board was formed comprising the JUI leaders Mufti Mahmud and Ghulam Ghauth Hazarvi as well as Shaikh Husam ud-Din, Master Taj ud-Din Ansari and Shuresh Kashmiri.101Close Hazarvi went as far as accusing fanatic Shia police officers and other civil servants of responsibility for the violence in Muharram.102Close Three weeks later, at a public meeting near the Mochi Gate of Lahores Old City chaired by the D.C. and meant to reconcile local Sunnis and Shias, Hafiz Kifayat Husain and Muzaffar Ali Shamsi repeated the claim that abusing and insulting of any religious authority was absolutely forbidden for Shias. Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. Although the Shia dn madris still lagged far behind those of Sunnis in the production of new ulam, they had solved their most urgent problems in the years between 1958 and 1962. Zaidi, Mutlabt, pp. Since 1959 only one official holiday was left in Muharram, which was generally considered insufficient to observe azdr in the customary way.74Close In Lahore, where the largest azdr processions of the country were led out traditionally, these were banned in 1961 and permitted in the following year only after some new restrictions had been imposed.75Close In Narowal a number of Shias were arrested in August 1961 for defying a ban on Chihlum processions.76Close Nevertheless Shias were by and large satisfied with the policy of the martial law government regarding the sectarian problem. Muhammad Husain Dhakko, Islh al-majlis wal-mahfil, parts I-X, al-Muballigh 9/8910/8; also published as a book, (Sargodha: Maktabat al-Muballigh, 1967). Pakistan has a number of shrines that have become places of pilgrimage.They include mausolea and shrines of political leaders (of both pre-independence and post-independence Pakistan), shrines of religious leaders and pirs (saints) and shrines of leaders of various Islamic empires and dynasties. Muhammad Ismail Zabeeh Deobandi (1913 - 27 September 2001), was a famous Shia Pakistani writer, orator, historian, scholar and journalist. Mirza, From Plassey to Pakistan, pp. He complained that they had been punished for their readiness to cooperate and for their principle of always seeking consensual solutions, whereas the SMC had sought uproar at any cost.405Close Mushtaq Husain, for his part, pointed to three essentials of the SMC that had been lacking both with the ITHS and the APSC during the twenty years of their existence, namely the ability to organise the strength of the qaum, to awaken the public and to imbue the awm with a spirit of sacrifice.
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