Travel time from Tarsus to Antioch. 2. Here Paul was recognized by the Jews of Asian provinces, and once again faced hostility. Like several other cities called Antioch (e.g. The three great north-south highways were: The coast road from Gaza to Seleucia Pieria and Antioch. Cassius temporarily overawed it and imposed on it a crushing fine, but, after the overthrow of the republican cause at Philippi and the assignment of the East to Antony's administration, Tarsus received the position of an independent and duty-free state (civitas libera et immunis) and became for some time Antony's place of residence. You can also find the Distance from Antioch to Tarsus using other travel options like bus, subway, tram, train and rail What is the shortest road distance between Antioch to Tarsus? In his honor the name Tarsus was changed to Juliopolis, but this proved no more lasting than Antioch on the Cydnus had been. Thus we find Cicero in command of Cilicia from the summer of 51 B.C. Mainly, they changed when Christians began to experience serious persecution at the hands of Roman authorities and the Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem. In terms of leadership, the apostle Barnabus was the first to grasp the large potential for the church in Antioch. You can also try a different route while coming back by adding multiple destinations. From time to time we hear of rulers named Syennesis, who appear to have been vassal princes in a greater or less degree of dependence upon the oriental empires. Gradually, however, the original bed was allowed to become choked, and now the Cydnus flows wholly through Justinian's channel and passes to the East of the modern town. A bath in the cold waters of the Cydnus which Alexander took while heated with his rapid advance brought on a fever which all but cost him his life (Arrian Anab. Check map and driving directions of your route which helps you find the destination easier. He is pleased to see evidence of Gods grace poured out on the Gentiles, and encourages them. Situation:The chief city of Cilicia, the southeastern portion of Asia Minor. Ad Art. Acts 22:3 "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, instructed according to the strict manner of the law of our fathers, being zealous for God, even as you all are this day. That's probably because none of the New Testament letters are addressed to the church in Antioch. He was accompanied by Silas, a leading member of the early Christian community, and Timothy, the son of a Greek man who was a dear companion to Paul. Learn Religions, Sep. 16, 2021, Little else remains from Pauls day, apart from an impressive collection of Roman mosaics and artefacts housed in the local Hatay (Antakya) Archaeological Museum. Location: Located about 300 miles north of Jerusalem, Antioch was built next to the Orontes River in what is now modern-day Turkey. In terms of morality, Antioch was deeply corrupt. Is Brooke shields related to willow shields? But what we know for sure is that Paul, who used to be called by his Jewish name Saul of Tarsus before converting to Christianity, spent about 30 years sailing around the Mediterranean basin and visiting what were considered to be the major cities of his time. But soon enough, a group of hostile locals pushed authorities to arrest Paul and his companions. The miles based distance from Tarsus to Antioch is 7053.7 miles. Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and after persuading the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, supposing that he was dead (Acts 14:19). It is located in Turkey, Adana, Karata (Trkiye, Adana, Karata). Antioch was founded near the end of the fourth century BCE by Seleucus I Nicator, one of Alexander the Greats generals. Together with Barnabas, a Cypriot Jew converted to Christianity, Paul traveled across the island of Cyprus, Barnabass homeland, preaching the Gospel in several synagogues. Jews from Antioch and Iconium, however, soon show up and stir up the people against the two apostles. but was still considered the capital of philosophy and knowledge of what was then the known world. 672; Arrian Anab. You can also find the distance from Tarsus to Antioch using other travel options like bus, subway, tram, train and rail. v.20, 3; Ad Faro. 5 0 obj The total straight line distance between Antioch and Rome is 10002 KM (kilometers) and 536.67 meters. 2011-2023 Tarsus under Oriental Power4. Here Paul reports that, through his message, many pagans got to know the word of God. The residents of the city spoke a different language from those located north of Iconium. Which two apostles were serving in the church at Antioch? The total straight line distance between Jerusalem and Ephesus is 991 KM (kilometers) and 900 meters. Acts 13:1-4 Barnabas and Paul, accompanied by John Mark, are sent by the church in Antioch to Cyprus in 46AD (see 7 on Map 20). On what occasion and for what service Roman civitas had been conferred on one of Paul's ancestors we cannot say; this only we know, that before his birth his father had possessed the coveted privilege (Acts 22:28). A Roman element was added to its population, and several of the emperors contributed to its adornment. From here he departed for more Greek citiesincluding the islands of Lesbos and Samosand reaches Miletus, in modern-day Turkey. (21) Afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia. He finally reached Jerusalem where he stayed with Mnason of Cyprus, one of the people he helped convert on one of his early trips. Having gathered the multitude together, they delivered the letter. It was at the instance of the church at Antioch that the council at Jerusalem decided to relieve GentileChristians of the burden of the Jewish law (Acts 15). After Philippi, the group reached Thessaloniki, in present-day northern Greece, where they were hosted by Jason, a Jewish man who had converted to Christianity. The statement of Alexander Polyhistor, preserved by Eusebius (Chron. Is Antioch CA, Antioch, the largest city of Syria, is on the Orontes River, about 300 miles north of Jerusalem and 20 miles inland from the Mediterranean. Athenodorus Canaanites, the Stoic, returned to his city as an old man, after some 30 years spent at Rome, armed with authority from the emperor to reform abuses in its civic life. The geographic midpoint between Tarsus and Antioch is in 3,525.43 mi (5,673.63 km) distance between both points in a bearing of 270.50. Here, even if his mission was somehow successful, Paul was quickly forced to leave after a group of local Jews reported his evangelization activities to local pagan authorities. But Tarsus remained the capital of the district, which during the 1st century of the empire was united with Syria in a single imperial province, and when Cilicia was made a separate province Tarsus, as a matter of course, became its metropolis and the center of the provincial Caesar-worship, and, at a later date, the capital of "the three eparchiae,"Cilicia, Isauria and Lycaonia. Check map and driving. The geographic midpoint between Antioch and Tarsus is in 3,525.43 mi (5,673.63 km) distance between both points in a bearing of 90.50. Sources disagree on an exact list of locations that Paul visited during his lifetime. The king made an agreement with Cyrus, who, after a delay of 20 days, caused by the refusal of his troops to march farther, set out from Tarsus for the Euphrates. Text, maps & photos (unless otherwise stated) by Chris & Jenifer Taylor 2023. The Letter to the Jewish believers in Antioch, The General Letters: James, Jude, Peter & John, The Letter of James to the Jewish believers, The Letter of Jude to the Jewish believers, The 1st Letter of Peter to the Jewish believers, The 2nd Letter of Peter to the Jewish believers, 19. Acts 18:22 When he had landed at Caesarea, he went up and greeted the assembly, and went down to Antioch. When he arrived and saw what the grace of God had done, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. Derbe was also hometown of a man named Gaius, who was one of several people who accompanied him on the last half of his third journey (Acts 20:4). It was characterized by the fact that the student body was composed almost entirely of natives, who, after finishing their course, usually went abroad to complete their education and in most cases did not return home, whereas in most universities the students were to a large extent foreigners, and the natives showed no great love of learning. What is the shortest road distance between Tarsus to Antioch? Antioch, an ancient Greek city founded in the 4th century. Make sure to visit the slideshow below to discover some of the greatest works of art representing the Road to Damascus, the decisive moment in the life of Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles. ), and Tarsus became the capital of a new and enlarged province, administered by Hem governors who usually held office for a single year. The river itself, which flowed southward from the Taurus Mountains with a clear and swift stream, was navigable to light craft, and Cleopatra, when she visited Antony at Tarsus in 38 B.C., was able to sail in her richly decorated barge into the very heart of the city (Plut. Arsames, the satrap of Cilicia, failed to post a sufficient force at the pass, the garrison fled without resistance and Alexander thus entered the province without striking a blow. The shortest route between Antioch and Tarsus is according to the route . Derbe's location in the far eastern part of the province made it the last city, on a road that heads east, that was within distinctively Roman territory. Yet it must be remembered that there was still a large, perhaps a preponderating, native and oriental element in the population, while the coin types in many cases point to the continued popularity of non-Hellenic cults.5. What is the true church according to the Bible? According to Luke (Act 17, 11-33) it is here that Paul proclaimed his famous speech about the Unknown God to to the pagan thinkers of Athens. First Christians According to tradition, Saint Peter established the church and was the citys first bishop, before going to Rome to found the Church there. A less attractive view of the life in Tarsus is given by Philostratus in his biography of Apollonius of Tyana, who went there to study in the early part of Tiberius' reign (14-37 A.D.). It is located in Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat). It is at this time that Tarsus is first mentioned in the Bible, unless we are to accept the disputed identification with TARSHISH (which see). Artemidorus and Diodorus the grammarians and Dionysides the tragic poet, a member of the group of seven writers known as "the Pleiad," complete Strabo's list of eminent Tarsians. O'Neal, Sam. His own declaration that he was "born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city" (Acts 22:3) seems to show that his training at Jerusalem began at an early age, and is inconsistent with the supposition that he was one of those Tarsian students who, after studying at their native university, completed their education abroad. At first they bear the name of Antioch on the Cydnus, but from the death of Antiochus this new appellation falls into disuse and the old name reasserts itself. Paul of Tarsus:Such was Tarsus, in which Paul was born (Acts 22:3) and of which he was a citizen (Acts 9:11; Acts 21:39). The splendour of Late Antique Antioch was destroyed by a series of catastrophes during the sixth century, i. e. the fire of October 525, the earthquakes in May 526 and November 528, and the Persian conquest in June 540 2. Using the website implies your agreement to the use of cookies. How Far Is Antioch From Tarsus In The Bible? <> stream How to get right with God: Sacrifice or Faith? I beg you, allow me to speak to the people.". Acts 11:25-26 Barnabas goes to Tarsus in 43AD and brings Paul back to Antioch (see 3 & 4 on Map 20). What is the country of origin of christainity? From Athens, Paul headed to Corinth, capital of the Roman province of Acaia in present-day south-central Greece. Jonah goes to Nineveh & Nahum condemns it, Jonah is thrown overboard to appease the gods, 42. Known as Antioch on the Orontes or Syrian Antioch, it was an important port on the River Orontes, founded in c.300BC (see Map 20). What is more, Acts 11:26 says "the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch." Paul of Tarsus9. By way of Samothrace, a Greek island in the northern Aegean Sea, and Neapolis, known today as the Greek city of Kavala, they reached Philippi, a Roman city in the first district of Macedonia, which today stands as one of Greeces UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Nicolas, a proselyte of Antioch, was one of the first deacons (Acts 6:5). From Acts of the Apostles to John's Revelation, 12 Aug. 1 Corinthians 10:16-17,11:20-34, 2 Feb. Genesis 29:31-35,30:1-12,17-24. Again, in 333 B.C., Alexander the Great passed through the Cilician Gates on his way to Issus, where he met and routed the Persian army under Darius III. The church of God is composed of those who have truly repented and rightly believed; who are rightly baptizedand incorporated into the communion of saints on earth. The true church is a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, and a congregation of the righteous. The church of God is separate. What is the distance from Antioch Syria to Jerusalem? After several years, Barnabus traveled to Tarsus in order to recruit Paul to join him in the work. The Journey continues from Sinai to Moab, The Israelites defeat King Sihon and King Og, The Israelites defeat the kings of Midian, Canaan is divided among the twelve tribes, 28. xxxiii, xxxiv; see Jour. In 64 B.C. Isaiah predicts the fall of Israel & Judah, Prophecies written before the fall of Jerusalem, Isaiah reassures King Ahaz of God's support, Troubled times and a glorious future kingdom, 40. Tarsus, city, south-central Turkey. !y. Antioch, an ancient Greek city founded in the 4th century BCE has its ruins located near the modern city of Antakya in Turkey. It should be noted that Antioch was a fairly common name for a city in the ancient world, which had over a dozen cities named Antioch. The power of the Holy Spirit - for everyone? For coins, B. V. Head, Historia Numorum2, 729;; G. F. Hill, British Museum Catalogue of Coins: Lycaonia, Isauria and Cilicia, lxxviff;, 162;.M. He moved there from Jerusalem and led the church into continued health and growth, both numerically and spiritually. From the Kingdom of Israel to the Exile, 5. Thus the fertility of its soil, the safety and convenience of its harbor and the command of the main line of communication between Anatolia and Syria or Mesopotamia combined to promote the greatness of Tarsus, though its position was neither a healthful or a strong one and the town had no acropolis.2. part of Cilicia became a Hem province, and after the Mithridatic Wars, during which Tarsus fell temporarily into the hands of Tigranes of Armenia, Pompey the Great reorganized the eastern portion of the Hem Empire (64-63 B.C. In the civil wars which terminated in the establishment of the Roman principate, Antioch succeeded in attaching itself constantly to the winning side, declaring for Caesar after the fall of Pompey, and for Augustus after the battle of Actium. Antioch to Tarsus are 243 Km by road. In fact, if it weren't for Antioch, Christianity, as we know and understand it today, would be vastly different. The distance between Tarsus to Antioch is 243 Km by road. It then ran from Iconium to Lystra, a distance of 18.5 miles (30 kilometers). which benefit does a community experience when its members have a high level of health literacy? The total straight line distance between Tarsus and Antioch is 11351 KM (kilometers) and 851.22 meters. Travel duration from Tarsus to Antioch is around 227.04 Hours if your travel speed is 50 . Located in the East Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area along, Race in Antioch (zip 37013) PEOPLE Antioch, Tennessee United States White 41.6% 61.5% Black 35.1% 12.3% Asian 4.3% 5.3% Native American 0.6% 0.7% What kind, The churches believe in the transformational power of Christs teachings not simply within the church walls, but also for the betterment of society. (2021, September 16). Antakya, TurkeyUnsourced material may be challenged and removed. The mile based measurement distance is 7053.7 miles . They sent out Barnabas to go as far as Antioch. has its ruins located near the modern city of Antakya in Turkey. Depending on the vehicle you choose to travel, you can calculate the amount of CO2 emissions from your vehicle and assess the environment impact. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. i. Barnabas was a Wealthy man from Cyprus and a Hellenistic Jew: According to Acts 4:36-37, his real name was Joseph but the apostles renamed him Barnabas. ), rounded the city, also ascribes to it an Assyrian origin.On the other hand, the Greeks had their own traditions, claiming Tarsus as a Greek or semi-Gr foundation. The World of the Old Testament Journeys, 23.The Journeys of Adam, Enoch, Noah & Abraham, Cain is sent on a journey to the east of Eden, 24. Driving directions and travel distance calculation for Turkey . However, thanks to a providential earthquake, the group managed to escape Philippis jail. The ancient city of Antioch was originally founded as part of the Greek Empire. What is the driving distance between lax airport and antioch? Distance between Antioch and Jerusalem is 11902 KM / 7396.1 miles. Other philosophers of Tarsus were Nestor, a representative of the Academy, and tutor of Marcellus, Augustus' nephew and destined successor, and of Tiberius, Plutiades and Diogenes; the latter was also famous as an improvisatore, and indeed the Tarsians in general were famed for their ease and fluency in impromptu speaking. The church in Antioch was the first to be called Christian, according to Acts. The modern town, which still bears the ancient name in the slightly modified form Tersous, has a very mixed population, numbering about 25,000, and considerable trade, but suffers from its unhealthful situation and the proximity of large marshy tracts. iii.4) For two centuries Tarsus had been the capital of a Persian satrapy, subject to oriental rather than to Hellenic influence, though there was probably a Hellenic element in its population, and its trade brought it into touch with the Greeks. It was the home of Nicholas, a Gentile convert to Judaism, who was one of the seven Spirit-filled men who were chosen by the disciples to distribute food to the poorer believers in Jerusalem (see Acts 6:5). In Pisidian Antioch his effective and succesful preaching so angered the Jews that they got those in power to expel him from the city (Acts 13:45 - 50). Two miles North of Tarsus the plain gives way to low, undulating hills, which extend to the foothills of Taurus, the great mountain chain lying some 30 miles North of the city, which divides Cilicia from Lycaonia and Cappadocia. % Two clear glimpses of the city are afforded us, thanks to the passage through it of Hellenic troops engaged upon eastern expeditions. Antioch was the capital of the Roman province of Syria and Phoenicia. The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch. Acts 11:27 Now in these days, prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. The miles based distance from Jerusalem to Ephesus is 616.3 miles. O'Neal, Sam. Tarsus under Oriental Power:Ramsay believes that Tarsus existed from time immemorial as a native Cilician settlement, to which was added, at some early date unknown to us, a body of Ionians, which migrated from the western coast of Asia Minor under the auspices and direction of the oracle of Clarian Apollo near Colophon. He is a former editor for Christianity Today and LifeWay Christian Resources. Paul's Perilous Passage through Pisidia" in the November/December 2013 issue of BAR, Mark R. Fairchild explores archaeological evidence of the likely presence of Jewish communities on the way. When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. In 83 B.C., on the collapse of the Seleucid monarchy, Antioch fell into the hands of Tigranes, king of Armenia, who held Syria until his defeat by the Romans fourteen years later. Acts 15:30 So, when they were sent off, they came to Antioch. AN'TIOCH (pron. At the same time it is certain that the character of his native city, its strong oriental element, its Greek constitution and speech, its position in the Roman Empire, its devotion to learning, must have made an impression upon one who, uniting Jewish nationality with membership of a Greek state and Roman citizenship, was to be the great interpreter to the Greco-Roman world of a religion which sprang from the soil of Judaism. So disgusted was he by the insolence of the citizens, their love of pleasure and their extravagance in dress, that he shook the dust of Tarsus off his feet and went to Aegae to pursue his studies in a more congenial atmosphere (Vit. In fact, adds Strabo, Rome is full of Tarsians and Alexandrians. The large and flourishing Jewish colony offered an immediate field for Christian teaching, and the cosmopolitanism of the city tended to widen the outlook of the Christian community, which refused to be confined within the narrow limits of Judaism. Foundation Legends:Of the foundation of the city various traditions were current in antiquity, and it is impossible to arrive any certain conclusion, for such foundation legends often reflected the sympathies and wishes of a city's later population rather than the historic facts of its origin. What is the distance between Tarsus to Antioch? It is situated 5 miles North of the mouth of the Orontes, in the northwestern corner of a fruitful plain at the base of Mt. But it is almost certain that, in accordance with Seleucid policy, this reorganization was accompanied by the enlargement of the citizen body, the new citizens in this case consisting probably of Jews and Argive Greeks. There are 86.640 miles between Antioch and Tarsus. 55 mins), FAQ about Distance from Tarsus to Antioch, The driving distance from Tarsus to Antioch is, Distance from Tarsus to Antakya Kkdalyan, Distance from Tarsus to Antakya/Hatay, Turkey. Among the languages they spoke or read were Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Syriac, and Persian. #2 Tarsus Antioch was built just 16 miles from a port on the . As mentioned earlier, Antioch was a large and prosperous city, which made it an ideal place to settle down and blend in with the crowd. Things changed after a few years, however. Haggai & Zechariah encourage re-building, Haggai urges the exiles to re-build the Temple, Prophesies about the coming of the Messiah, 47. Syrians, Greeks, Jews, and in later days, Romans, constituted the main elements of the population. `d@4rWwINRyVatOfpU:g{Qy j jzb':#x@h]]qRmaXO&`6&BMC{j. But soon enough, the same people who contested him in Konya reached Lystra and instigated a group of locals to stone Paul, forcing him to flee. This privileged status was confirmed by Augustus after the victory of Actium had made him sole master of the Roman Empire (31 B.C.). Among the famous men who learned or taught at Tarsus, we hear of the Stoics Antipater, Archedemus, Nestor, Athenodorus surnamed Cordylion, the friend and companion of the younger Marcus Cato, and his more famous namesake (called Canaanites after the village of his birth), who was the tutor and confidant of Augustus, and who subsequently reformed the Tarsian constitution. However, thanks to a providential earthquake, the group managed to escape Philippis jail. Is Antioch Tennessee In The Central Time Zone? an'-ti-ok, (Antiocheia). Depending on the vehicle you choose to travel, you can calculate the amount of CO2 emissions from your vehicle and assess the environment impact. The king therefore came to Cilicia in all haste to settle matters." 1. Paul had an exceptionally perilous path just to visit Derbe for the first time! What is the return distance between Tarsus to Antioch? What is the return distance between Antioch to Tarsus? Acts 11:26 When he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. They then left for Berea, an important port city, now known as Veria, in Macedonia, north of Greece, but the same group that kicked them out of Thessaloniki soon caught up with them and pushed them to leave Berea as well. Acts 21:39 But Paul said, "I am a Jew, from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no insignificant . The most distinguished of her later sons was John Chrysostom. Here Paul engaged in conversation with many public intellectuals in both synagogues and public squares and was eventually invited to give a speech to Athenian citizens from the Aeropago, a marble hill just above the Acropolis. Obadiah foretells the punishment of Edom, Obadiah prophesies the resurgence of Israel, 46. Check, (2 hrs
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