''He didn't tell anybody above, below or alongside,'' a diplomat said later, calling Mr. Randall's performance ''a clear case of nonfeasance.''. But James J. McGivney, the agency's spokesman, said Mr. Hodoyan had given no indication he had ever been mistreated. Once people move to Tijuana, they are pretty much whoever they say they are. I dont think theyll fool them again, Tijuana Country Club president Dario Garin said. Cooperating with General Gutierrez Rebollo, he argued, was the only way he could survive to see his two young daughters again. He consulted with the No. Donald R. Hamilton, the embassy's spokesman, otherwise defended its handling of the case, saying Mr. Hodoyan did not complain of torture to any American official in Mexico or suggest that he was under duress. !Legalization by sale and consumption in controlled spaces (i.e. Alex exploded, saying: ''I don't matter to them! U.S. prosecutors say he worked for the notorious Arellano Felix brothers: Benjamin, described by law enforcement authorities as the cartels chief executive, and Ramon, considered the enforcer, the man who planned the murders of the cartels enemies. Como La Flor That meeting was denied. Russia missile attack on Ukraine injures 34, damages homes, Far from Russia, a pro-Moscow sliver of land tries to cling to its identity and keep war at bay, Man who lost wife, son in Texas mass shooting tells story. ''He even bought new clothes for me.''. At midnight, Montano says, the nuncio went to speak with then-president Carlos Salinas: Ramon wanted to meet with him, too. U.S. officials say the cartel executed him. Ryan Truex is congratulated by big brother, NASCAR Series Cup driver Martin Truex Jr., in victory lane after winning Saturday's NASCAR Xfinity Series A-GAME 200 at Dover International Speedway. ''It was just a usual-suspects thing,'' a United States official in Guadalajara said, just another of the 71 cases the consulate handled in 1996 of Americans who went missing in that region. Taking to Twitter this morning, Hector and pal Tommy Authorities said terrible things about other neighborhood boys, too. His testimony, which produced eight hours of videotape and more than 200 pages of transcripts, is viewed on both sides of the border as a law enforcement triumph, a breakthrough in Mexico's flagging fight against drug traffickers. In May 2001, Arturo Kitty Paez, 34, became the first accused lieutenant of the Tijuana drug cartel to be extradited to the United States for cocaine trafficking. I made my own research with the info thats was out there about the Hodoyan's. Motor Speedway. He was Ramon Arellano Felix, the blue-jeaned kid brother of a big family new to Tijuana. The brothers skipped bond and returned to Mexico. His manic charisma drew the admiration of kids such as Emilio Valdez Mainero, the kind of young men who are known in Mexico by a not entirely flattering term: juniors. Eventually Ramons friends would be tagged by the press as narcojuniors., People whispered about what Ramon and his brothers did. ''Killing is a party for them, it's a kick,'' Mr. Hodoyan tells Mexican investigators. Foto: Especial. Alex knew that his detention by the DEA was illegal, and threatened a lawsuit unless he was freed. Under pressure to give evidence against his brother, he disappeared across the border to Mexico where he had numerous enemies, including the Arellano Felix gang, which, he was told, had put out a contract on his life. Although reluctant to act at first, Alex eventually takes on larger missions for the Tijuana Cartel. But Kitty, with his jeans, T-shirts and irresistable grin, was considered the coolest guy in his Instituto clique. Mexican police say some of the brothers were the proteges of a well-connected relative, the Sinaloa drug kinpin Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, who was jailed in 1989 in connection with the murder of U.S. DEA agent Enrique Camarena. The day after the interview, Mexican military officials told the A.T.F. Emilio said, If theyre not helping her, they must think I betrayed them. It made him think they viewed him as an enemy.. The Mexicans said Alfredo was hiding out near San Diego with Emilio Valdez, the godfather of Alex Hodoyan's daughter, who was wanted in Mexico on another murder charge. In late October, General Gutierrez Rebollo was sufficiently confident of his new informant's cooperation that he allowed him to call his family and tell them he was still alive. TE PUEDE INTERESAR:Doa Lety: La ex judicial que le declar la guerra a 'El Mencho' y a Los Zetas. Alfredo Hodoyans older brother, Alex, was invited to join the U.S. REPUTATIONS WERENT THE only things damaged. Alejandro Hodoyan Many people who come to this freewheeling experiment in urbanism shed the reserve and formality of central Mexico. Alejandro Hodoyan, known to his family and friends as Alex, seemed an unlikely candidate for a career in crime. He was just like a little child, crying and crying.''. Its unbelievable the power you feel, the witness says. The elegant breakables in the tall glass cases seem too fragile for the tale that Gonzalez is telling. Junto con el doctor Ibarra Sants, otras tres personas fueron asesinadas por El Lobo, dos agentes federales y un taxista, hecho por el que el narcojunior fue sentenciado a cumplir una pena de 50 aos en prisin. nothing out on the street).Prevention by programs directed at children and teens to understand drugs and addiction.Of course there will always be persons who choose to make use of legaly available drugs and will be fucked by the drugs (albeit clean drugs are much less harmless than dirty drugs), but those persons alone (and their immediate family as also now is the case) will bear the burden of their abuse and not society as a whole. The killings infuriated the soldiers' commander, Gen. Gutierrez Rebollo, a bulldog of an officer with a shaven head who was in charge from his headquarters in Guadalajara of a vast military region encompassing much of central Mexico. They laugh after a murder, and go off and have a lobster dinner.''. He is accused of being one of Mr. Arellano's most feared gunmen and is wanted for murder in Mexico. Their eldest son was in the custody of powerful Mexican military officers who, Alex hinted, would think nothing of killing him. Weber Rodriguezs arrest was the latest twist in the story of Mexicos former drug czar, Gen. Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo, charged in February with being on the payroll of the late drug lord Amado Carrillo Fuentes. Alfredo Hodoyan Palacios era un empresario inmobiliario que administraba las propiedades en renta de la familia Hodoyan y no un matn, al menos eso deca su mam Cristina Palacios. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. It was unclear when he was arrested. Alfredo Hodoyan Alfredo (played by Ivn Aragn) was working as a drug runner for the Tijuana cartel, transporting cocaine across the border into the US without Cristina Palacios de Hodoyan said her son Alfredo, a graduate of St. Augustine Catholic school in San Diego, is the manager of family rental properties, not a gunman. They depict a man overwhelmed by irreconcilable pressures and dominated by a captor who both terrifies him and inspires his devotion. But behind the image on the videotape is a tale of a middle-class family torn apart, with brother turned against brother in a violent drug culture. It is the story of her daughter Angelicas first marriage. In the bare room, the agent introduced himself to Mr. Hodoyan, blindfolded and cuffed to a bed. He was doubtful of Alex truly being a citizen -well, he sure as hell had ways of confirming his citizenship.These brothers knew they were breaking the law & working 4 some badass people -everything has consequences -whether good or bad -like the bible says "Money Is The Root Of All Evilness ", Great post love to here about los arellano past, Alex Hodoyan is the gay guy in the movie traffic. He moved freely about the headquarters of the federal drug agency in the capital, where General Gutierrez Rebollo had been transferred. But Mr. Hodoyan was bitter that the Arellano gang had sent him into an ambush. Carrillo was considered Mexicos No. It wont be so easy now.. Actor Lorenzo Ferro also appears in El Angel, Perfidious, and El Marginal. The young man had just run off for three weeks with Ramons sister. United States officials later described that as an egregious failure to deliver the basic protections guaranteed citizens in trouble in foreign lands. 8 Police told the family that he appeared to have been tortured in front of her. Frankie Flowers(Francisco Flores)? General Gutierrez Rebollo set out to convince Alex Hodoyan to testify against his friend and his brother. It's According to American officials, she said there were reports that Alex had been detained on Sept. 11 by the military authorities in Guadalajara. Mr. Hodoyan volunteered nothing about mistreatment by the soldiers, American officials said, and the statement he later gave his family suggests a reason. He joined one of the cartel's hit squads and is wanted on murder charges in Mexico. agent about his torture, ''he would be the last person I would ever cross a word with.''. The devalued Mexican peso was relegating some upper class Tijuana families to the middle class. Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;borderlandbeat@gmail.com. the fat crazy looking guy in military or police outfit in the middle? Emilio Valdez Mainero seemed an appropriately upper-tier husband, but he too allegedly found employment in the Arellano Felix organization, recruiting young assassins who belong to Tijuanas upper class-some of them his childhood friends. He immediately implicated his brother and himself in a number of crimes. The embassy official assigned to follow up on the agent's report of a captive American citizen took no action. ''. Linas father passed away four months later. Mr. Curiel declined to be interviewed, noting that he is barred from discussing pending cases. Alfredo Hodoyan era apodado como El Lobo tuvo una estrecha relacin con los hermanos Arellano Flix en Tijuana. On Sept. 20, Adriana Hodoyan, Alex's sister, called the United States consulate in Guadalajara to say she believed that her brother, an American citizen, had vanished there. agent that Mr. Hodoyan had been blindfolded to prevent him from seeing the American's face, since the prisoner, they said, was a ''dangerous and violent criminal.''. Alex rejected the idea with a fervor that suggested he knew it could be true. It is also a story of kidnapping and coercion that highlights some of the perils for the United States in working with the secretive Mexican military, which has been given a central role in the drug war despite its lengthening record of corruption and brutality. agent as an ''unusual but not inappropriate'' place for the meeting. General Gutierrez Rebollo's officers, he said, warned him before the interview that if he told the A.T.F. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Five days later, Adriana Hodoyan, who is 30, traveled to Guadalajara and gave the consulate a photo of Alex and a detailed account of the travel route he had planned. agent he believed that Mr. Hodoyan was probably one more Mexican trying to get out of a jam by claiming to be an American. Why? The Ibarra Murders Angelica wasnt the only well-to-do Tijuanan to bring a reputed trafficker into the family. She was the perfect girl. Her mother tried to discourage her romance with the swaggering Emilio. It was around that time that Benjamin began coming to church with one of the prettiest girls in town. Judging from U.S. court files, Ramons Rat Pack also knew he was not the most predictable party guest. His life changes drastically when he is recruited into Ramn Arellano Flixs Narco Juniors gang. WebI played Alfredo Hodoyan this season, El Chapo's eldest son on El Chapo's series and also played a journalist involved with Hank in Tijuana. BUSINESSWOMAN Guadalupe Gonzalez is helping a customer select the perfect floral teacup from a china showroom that is a fantasia of fine figurines. Ramon walked out of the crowded party and shot and killed his sisters boyfriend and two friends parked outside. Once, Agustin served as a translator for Ramon and an attractive young American at a party given by Lina Literas boyfriend, Emilio. And with his disappearance, a promising window into the inner workings of one of After 10 days in San Diego, he suffered what family members described as a psychological breakdown. Despite 20 years of war: DRUGS ARE FREELY available and cheaper and stronger than ever.A L L the negative side effects are caused by the illegality of drugs. He never considered turning the brothers in because this was a matter of conscience. On the afternoon of Sept. 11, Alex Hodoyan went to an existing Arellano safe house in a working-class neighborhood. The officers were trying to pit Alex against their youngest son, who was in jail in San Diego fighting extradition to Mexico on a murder charge that could put him in prison for decades. The echo-filled room and strangely empty military barracks struck the A.T.F. 1 cocaine smuggler before his July 4 death. Fabian Martinez Gonzalez, a grade-school classmate of Alex Hodoyan's younger sister who teased the girls by lifting up their skirts, grew up to become El Tiburon, or the Shark. When allowed, he trailed behind General Gutierrez Rebollo. They also mingled with Mexican gang members who were rising stars in the cocaine business. How could you not know him? Agustin asked after Alfredos arrest in 1996. That worried Emilio a lot, the relative says. You have women all over the place. Her suitor was a rakish 19-year-old unknown with bedroom eyes and a crooked smile, a man known as Kitty to his friends. Mexican military officials announced the arrest of General Gutierrez Rebollo. No one knew who they were, Cristina says. WebHe has since been arrested for drug corruption. The Hodoyan children came of age in Tijuana discos where teen-agers experimented with cocaine in the free-wheeling way of wealthy American youth. ''He was crazy, loco, desperate,'' Bertha Hodoyan said. Everyone who lives here has the money to give their children opportunities, cars, private schooling, clothes, an allowance. 2 official in the embassy, Charles H. Brayshaw, who sent him to the consul general for Mexico City, a senior diplomat who handles problems involving United States citizens. History keeps repeating itself, Jaime Literas says. ''He was a very confident guy who projected the sense that 'we're the military -- we're going to get the job done.' They see the end coming.''. His mother Cristina, who is 55, is a prim, devoutly Catholic woman from an upstanding Mexican family. Like Angelica, Kitty partied with a popular crowd of teenagers who studied at the Instituto Mexico, one of Tijuanas exclusive private schools. Emilio ended up in a U.S prison, convicted of drug trafficking in 1998. Cause of death That did not qualify Paez as a suitable fiance for the daughter of the president of the Tijuana Convention and Visitors Bureau. In 1986, Ruth Serrano Corona, the granddaughter of a top federal official in Tijuana, married Benjamin Arellano Felix. THERE ARE STILL SOCIETY KIDS WHO brag that they know two of the younger Arellanos, Eduardo and Javier, who, some DEA officials believe, are living under armed guard in Tijuana, trying to stave off competitors and paying $1 million a week to police. Angelica belonged to a sheltered, well-chaperoned world of weddings and baptisms. At one point, the elder Mr. Hodoyan told his son that a Mexican lawyer who had defended the Arellanos was offering to help get Alex out of military custody. Id never heard of him, Gonzalez says. not sorry for parents, just the little girls,..but Mr. Curiel and other U.S. El Lobo Hodoyan fue acusado de participar en el asesinato del doctor Ernesto Ibarra Sants quien era sealado como un hombre incorruptible que fue comisionado en 1996 por la PGR a la plaza de Tijuana. I don't think one single drug trafficker took to the "business"on their own,the next suspect,their enemiesnooo,then who could have dragged them to the life?? I never saw anything strange about them in the religious meetings, the priest says. Tape recordings of some of Mr. Hodoyan's phone calls to his family were made available to The New York Times by participants in the events who requested anonymity. Lets face it, it was often for the money. Angelica moved to San Diego, too, but Kitty remained close to his family, and the couple vacationed together in Cancun with the families of other juniors and some Tijuana businessmen. Alex Hodoyan is a typical teenager living in Tijuana. For half an hour, the agent described the American imprisoned in Guadalajara. Ruth Serrano Corona was with her husband Benjamin when Mexican soldiers burst into their bedroom in March. He would pay for a big baptism party., The Arellano Felixes and their entourage became the beautiful people, the 90210 of drug cartels, says Gonzalo Curiel, the assistant U.S. attorney assigned to the case. The nuncio blessed Ramon, and they left. As his legal woes deepened, Emilio complained to a relative that his wife Lina was receiving not a cent from Ramon Arellano. Then he came on as the consummate good cop, pretending to scold his subordinates for treating the prisoner harshly and ordering them to loosen his manacles and upgrade his food. The priest says he repeated the rendezvous with Benjamin in January 1994. Their beeper goes off and they have to go.) An invitation that found its way into U.S. court files directed the juniors to a splashy post-baptism disco party hosted by Ramon and the babys other godfather, Kitty Paez. You have no rules. The account of Mr. Hodoyan's experiences was pieced together from interviews with his family, American officials in Mexico, and Mexican justice officials who knew him as an informant. And General Gutierrez Rebollo was leaning heavily on Mr. Hodoyan to talk by offering to place him in a Government witness program where his past criminal record would be erased. ''I thought I explained that to you. But in March, another Tijuana junior, Walter Ruiz Fimbres, 21, turned up in Chicago newspapers, arrested in Deerfield, Ill., with a carload of marijuana, and was slapped with a $10-million bond. Every Friday or Saturday night he would be at a party or a disco. Officially, Kitty owned a liquor store in Rosarito. WHATEVER RELATIONSHIP THE ARELLANO FELIXES HAD WITH TIJUANA SOCIety was irreparably damaged on May 24, 1993, when Cardinal Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo, the archbishop of Guadalajara, was shot to death at the Guadalajara airport-a killing that shocked the deeply Catholic nation. This is happening at an age where that stuff is very important to you.. Reached by telephone at his southern California residence, Mr. Randall said he had no recollection of Mr. Hodoyan's case. The Hodoyans hoped to raise their children with the best of the American and Mexican cultures. They saw them involved in an illicit business, yet roaming around free, getting all the French champagne and good-looking girls, and they said, Hey, why cant I be part of this elite? , I knew [Alfredo] was with them, Alejandro said. IN THE LAST 50 YEARS IT has been transformed from a dusty backwater of 65,000 to an electric border boomtown whose official population tops 1 million, though many believe it is twice that size. He is presumed dead. He would have to go briefly to jail, but then he, his wife and daughters could join a witness protection program.
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