The most common symptoms of high-functioning depression may include: Changes in sleep patterns. I thank you for a response. I just wish I never did the Ect at all. Its humiliating to walk into a shop and tip your money out and say: Just take how much money you need, because I dont know how much to give you.. 6 months subscription | 85.00 Lets ignore the other 6 or 7 completely destroyed. Now 27 years old, Im scared about my future as its been over 5 years and Im still left with severe disabilities from it. I had been fully compliant and never refused anything, fully cooperative, responsible, never late and never a no-show. They made good money off of me, since they kept their numbers up at the clinics. I am AGAINST reclassifying shock. It is genocide., My friend had a horrific experience with ECT and committed suicide six months later., I am an ECT survivor. He told me I should teach myself to use a mouse. If a credible group of people organizes a demonstration at the FDA Ill be there. The disparity between how and where ECT treatment is administered is an area author and clinical psychologist Craig Newnes has been researching for decades. Shows us a little about whose brains are valued in our culture. Turn any day into Fair Day! What a steal! I couldnt read. The serotonin theory of depression has been called into question recently. Alternatively your vet should be able to recommend a kennel. Permanent memory loss and permanently damage to cognitive functioning are real side effects which are life altering in a bad way. Master of horror Eli Roth presents true stories of hauntings that have shattered the lives of the people who have experienced them. More recently, after literally dozens of antidepressant treatments had failed to help her, Ashley was able to enroll in a clinical test of the experimental rapid-acting Theyve done everything they possibly could ever since to attempt to discredit me and prove that what I have done couldnt possibly be real. Ignorance at its finest. Never. "Electroshock treatment has ruined my life. Prayers to the victims who are unable to sign this petition because they lost themselves due to ECTs. "As with all treatments for serious medical conditions - from cancer to heart disease - there can be side-effects of differing severity, including memory loss. My parent is alive but she is dead inside. The distinction between "left brain" and "right brain" is a persistent myth that impacts how people think about communication. That would put an end to shock as treatment. And thats the key. He had just gotten interested in the work of Judi Chamberlin, and was so inspired by her that he had realized that Mental Health was all about Human Rights. She was eventually prescribed morphine for pain relief. Newnes writes that both professions have a boys with toys approach in using technologies to try to change people. I have known several people who have had ECT and desperately regret it. (I love my dog dearly but my health would be just as important). Terrible heartburn in chest and throat ..nausea.. abdominal pain as well as back pain and chest pain. Above them, only the devil. To get your hands on the latest mag, youll have to buy one from one of our vendors. Youve got mail became a joy to me, just as decades ago, my daily trip to the mailbox had been the best part of the day. I also had no bug problems, and hardly ever heard my neighbors. This is literally the last chance to ask your networks, friends, and loved ones to have your voice counted in this round of our fight with the FDA to not down-classify the shock device for any reason, and to have them hold hearings on the shock device. I have Gerd which I believe is caused by the hernia. And dont give me that claptrap about how its been made safer by use of anesthesia! When she was 17, in 1985, Miss Dunn was taken to the now-demolished St Luke's Hospital in Middlesborough and underwent ECT in hope that it would improve her condition. Being Alone: When Does It Help Versus Hurt? Good, write that down too. Video, On board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry. In fact, it has only been damaged, and the electroshock survivors whom I personally know are all angry and confused about what was done to them, but they have been too brain damaged and intimidated to try to fight back any more. Do we eliminate heart surgery because some have a second heart attack? Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention . No surprise there. 3 months subscription | 45.00. Yes, ECT is always described as a last treatment option. I was originally diagnosed with major depression when I was twelve years old and immediately began treatment following my diagnosis. Engaging with social media can affect users appearance satisfaction. Personally, I dont believe that I am cognitively impaired, although its hard to prove. That is, I physically and metaphorically and in every way I could removed myself from oppression. I only knew who my friends were because they kept coming in to see me. People who saw me as something other than a diseased thing to be profited from. 3) Restored my dignity. Our ConnECT group boasts many positive experiences with ECT. I was in a behavioral center for 4 weeks and received treatment 3 x week. I know, as I was given many shocks without my consent. I also witnessed my dad go from being grouchy and withdrawn to become angry full of rage and would have frequent outbursts of rage usually directed at me even if I hadnt done anything more than walk into the room. These people cannot be human. My father had suffered from a deep, intractable depression that wasn't responding to medication. After explaining to Mr. Ryan my inability to input all of the comments we received through the petition, and howdocuments from my own comments were not successfully uploaded, he agreed to accept these documents in print form. ECT erased the memories of most of my life away. I protested the article, and the paper invited me to write an article about ECT. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) saved my life. I don't feel suicidal in this moment, but OBGYN and parents urged hospitalization yesterday. My memory was significantly affected, each time. I find the FDA not reopening the shock dockets or holding accessible public hearings on the shock device unacceptable, and I hope you will agree with me that we must take further actions. and our I have hope for a lot of people though. Comments have been closed on this article. I was given ECT because i had "disturbances in my personality". I know there were things I did, rather inadvertently. A woman who was administered controversial electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is campaigning to ban the mental health treatment. The APA confessed the neuroleptics were torture drugs when the Russian dissodents complained of such in the 70s, but the APA cant comprehend the same is true with their me too antipsychotics today. This is a college in Boston near Chinatown, known for the arts, theater, and film. Its hard not to hate myself for doing enough treatments to fuck me up, but not enough to fix me anyone got anything encouraging for me, or did I truly and surely ruin my own life? This site is part of Newsquest's audited local newspaper network. I was eighteen years old and had been in so much pain for so long, ECT was talked about like it was some mental golden ticket. Or just get a pile of sticky notes, a chalkboard, and program your phone with reminders, alerts, and notes to self like a dementia patient might? Another lingering misconception is ECT will change your personality. It breaks my heart to see her struggle with the after erffects of this treatment that was recommended by providers she trusted to help her. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Health does not come with a lifetime guarantee. VideoOn board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry, I didnt think make-up was made for black girls, Why there is serious money in kitchen fumes. As part of the report, Freedom of Information Act (FOI) requests were sent to 56 NHS trusts. Which they denied, and then said I must now, at age 39, have very suddenly have developed a severe personality disorder, that I had had, rather undetected, never before known about, since adolescence, and surely it was my Jewish upbringing that was at fault. This website and associated newspapers adhere to the Independent Press Standards Organisation's Comments made with an account prior to this change will remain visible on the site. I didnt even recognise myself anymore. But not only that I wouldnt be able to remember words. The most common are short-term to permanent memory loss and other cognitive difficulties, headaches, toothache and muscle aches, nausea, cardiac arrhythmias, and similar cardiovascular problems. I heard about this one from a friend. ECT, short for electroconvulsive therapy and otherwise known as shock therapy, is a treatment modality that has been used for around 80 years. This device deserves to be banned from use, not down classified! It's used for treating depression, migraine, and OCD, among other conditions.. But I have fucked over all treatment options presented due to fear and intense mistrust of doctors and psychiatry after ECT ruined my life. Writing for a buck isnt what I do. Above them there is no justice. Ummmaybe they were missing something, eh? ADHD has ruined my life. I am not eating or drinking properlyI cant even get up to do everyday thingsexercise is out of the question..cant explain the sensation in my brain.I just want it to go scared to go to the hospital because that is where they did the dreaded ECT..but I cant continue this.also I have a dog and I have no place to leave himso I have been putting off going go the hospital. Something was put in my mouth before they anaesthetised me. For more information, please see our As a psychiatrist, I know that ECT is a rapid and lifesaving treatment in severe depression, when the patient is suicidal, or no longer able to care for themselves. Reminders and reassurance can go a long way. They can't both be true. But when it comes to ECT the psychiatrists state that this is proof that the shock did the person good because they were depressed before and now theyre smiling! Of course this earned me a mental health label because thats the way it works, right? Electroshock is not treatment. It is a form of brain damage and torture, and I hope that you will prevent anyone from allowing it, because once you do, it will become required and that many more people will suffer. These doctors should be held criminally liable for their unethical practice of denying risk. Neuroleptic many times worse drugs! These can include: drowsiness (you may sleep for a while) confusion headache feeling sick aching muscles loss of appetite. I had good insurance so they offered me shock treatment. Its the creation of a concussion disguised as a treatment. Specifically, I obtained a computer. I had lost quite a lot of my vocabulary. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) currently recommends the use of ECT for some cases of moderate or severe depression as well as catatonia and mania. She is a person who has made great contributions to supporting the mental health systems change in our area. I would love to walk right up to the shock doc who did it to me, and all those who participated in the coercion and subsequent cover-up and minimalizing and refusal to acknowledge the obvious damages, who are namely, The McLean Hospital Corporation, Shock doc Dr. Michael Henry and the ECT Clinic, and all those bigwigs at McLean who went along with it whom I have mentioned by name in my various documents (I fear them not as I am telling the truth, can they do the same for a change? I just turned 43. This induces a short (less than 60 second) seizure (but without the physical movement due to the paralytic) and the person wakes up from the short-acting anaesthetic a short time thereafter. The decisions should be clinical, not moral. In response to the study, the Royal College of Psychiatrists said ECT should not be suspended for "some forms of severe mental illness". The reason? A LOT of uncomfortable loud stomach gurgling, a lot of reflux. Practice Improves the Potential for Future Plasticity. I am devastated to see other people sold ECT today by doctors who vastly downplay any side effects at all. But there are people who have been treated. The brain may not create consciousness but "filter" it. I am a shell. He says: Depression often reveals itself as tiredness. All times are GMT-5. Family Newsletter But Ive talked to quite a few others who have had ECT, and they all experienced memory issues. "There is no evidence that ECT is effective for its target demographicolder women, or its target diagnostic groupseverely depressed people, or for suicidal people, people who have unsuccessfully tried other treatments first, involuntary patients, or children and adolescent", it says. Not only did the treatment not work and I am still severely depressed but, now I have this ECT trauma and its ever-lasting effects. "I was forced to have it under Section 3 of the Mental Health Act", ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Thousands receive electric shock treatment, Electric shock therapy 'not up to scratch', Friends Against Psychiatry: Ban Shock (US), ECT, its uses and effects, Salford Community Health Council, Pat Butterfield, founder of ECT Anonymous. This is the sad history of ECT. Psychiatrists have incredible power. This creates a severe convulsion or seizure of long duration, called a grand mal . Equal parts terrifying and evocative, Roth exposes the real-life horror of paranormal survivors dragged to hell and back. "I had so much going for me before I had the treatment and really loved doing the smaller things in life. Now, I used my brain, which still seemed intact, to write my first novel. Who I was has been erased. But an SWLStG spokeswoman said: "Electroconvulsive therapy is an evidence-based, NICE-approved treatment to be used under specific circumstances and can have benefits for certain patients, particularly for people with severe depression who have not responded to other forms of treatment. ECT is designed to induce a seizure with electric currents while a patient is under anesthesia. ECT magnified the worst characteristics of my dad and pretty much destroyed the family my parents divorced a few years after the ECT because of how bad things got with my dad. 11 years on I cannot work., My mother was given these some 45 yrs ago for alcoholism and it didnt work and it caused her to have seizures. Brilliant. He says: ECT has such a high risk of brain damage that it should be very carefully monitored and regulated. Thank God for the support of other survivors. Most populous nation: Should India rejoice or panic? As the recent measles outbreak has shown, an isolated negative experience can hinder the logical use of medicine. Anyone at all who had good insurance. Its cruel., Because my niece went through ECT and it caused her permanent brain damage. This is a very dangerous treatment and in talking to hundreds of people now, Im convinced ect causes permanent disability and people can no longer go back to their former jobs. I encourage anyone having memory issues associated with ECT to get a second opinion from a research institution like UTSW. You dont get support, you dont get listened to. It wiped out the majority of my autobiographical memories, and caused severe short term memory problems, apathy, eye movement disorder, spontaneous seizures, headaches, nightmares, ptsd. Family and friends noticed the difference reminding me NEVER to agree to be shocked again., My mother was a victim of ECT and was never the same again. RT @KellyMartin02: Please cite your source for the 80-90% supposed "response". Gotta make sure they are getting wise counsel from their peers cause they can ruin your life. Nothing that causes epileptic seizures and erases your memory can be helpful. I not only have long term memory loss, but i have cognitive impairments and brain damage. We live in a society where certainly psychiatry is dominated its dominated by men, but ones point is it is dominated by male ideas. For a dollar. All symptoms of a brain injury. My dad was dying of cancer at the time. I had twenty-eight and I know people had A LOT more than that. These abuses will very likely increase if these devices are down classified., As a treatment I have seen it overused on a close family member. 2) I found temporary respite. very-frequent ECT in combination with unusually high doses of drugs which included neuroleptics, anti-depressants and barbiturates. ;..g doctor hope she did. lilyboo, your life is not ruined, i am sorry for you and just maybe things will work out,but i do know i got this 3 years ago yesterday and i am doing things i never thought i would do again,most of the time i forget about it,brain adaptation as my doctor said it would,but yes, i have to wear plugs for theatres,cutting grass,that stuff,i very much enjoyed playing in rock bands for many years . Unfortunately, when published, the reporter presented our information accurately but combined it with misinformation provided by so-called experts and disproportionate negative examples of the treatment. I havent been able to work, and my husband has been responsible for almost everything in our household including the care for my daughter. Cunliffe could no longer work, struggled to perform day-to-day tasks and often fell over due to poor co-ordination. "On the basis of the clinical trial data, ECT should not be used for depressed individuals.". Maybe even surrounding shock box making companies . The worse the illness, the better it seems to work, and it can be miraculous. Id forgotten I could even do that.. You can find it at: It is also functioning in everyday life that is effected. It would be devastating to the public, and to many people who do not deserve this especially when you consider the absolute dearth of genuine informed consent in this country. I have memory problems and suffered an aneurysm, I was lucky to survive., I was coerced into consenting to this barbaric experience, and have been irrevocably harmed by induced grand mal seizures, without the benefit of accurate risk and effect information., I do not believe in the use of electroshock. Most people we spoke to had some side effects from the treatment. It causes brain damage. I lived two years of absolute humiliation, says Cunliffe. In a third of cases ECT is given without consent. My daughter was a baby when I first had it, and Ive lost a lot of her first two years, during which I had a number of courses. Many have since passed away., I have had ECT shock treatments in the past, they erased my entire memory of events for months, were painful & horrible to experience & worst of all, they did NOTHING to alleviate my depression., ECT destroyed my family and my life, taking with it many years of memories as well as my ability to create new memories., I suffered permanent memory loss from ECT., ECT has been shown to cause brain damage. My father, before he passed away, had told me about this new thing, Windows. I am not suffering, I am laughing my butt off, because I find this drama too funny, the stupidity, the ignorance, the bigotry just too comical. And LOL! Canada Suicide Prevention Service: 1-833-456-4566 (phone) | 45645 (text). NOT the answer for people who are depressed. Her work aims to expose the institutional corruption which is a source of profit for organized psychiatry, and to abolish state sponsored human rights violations, such as murder, torture and slavery. This has caused me to lose years off my life because my heart is so weak now, from the heartache and sadness from the loss of who I was, what I was and how I was beforehand." In her own words, this is an account of Jane London's experience with ECT. For the first few treatments, given the settings he marked down, it seems that the doctor was working with the variables of current and voltage in order to induce a seizure of adequate strength and duration. And yes, there is no doubt the majority of people would recover or heal without being administered multiple traumatic electrical head injuries via shock. "Depression changes people's personalities," Seiner said, explaining ECT brings people back to their baseline traits. Weekly Newsletter It was like that for me. I will go to say a word but, my mind can't think of it and all these similar-sounding words come out or I'll go to say a sentence but, the order of the words gets all jumbled up in my brain. It's mainly because ECT is out of my realm of experience. I crawled two years after and still face daily symptoms. Been such a sobbing, psychotic, raging maniac. PostedApril 24, 2015 I awoke that morning, realized I was 40 years old and it was just plain gone. She wants acknowledgement for the injuries . ECT was first popularised in the 1930s as a treatment for depression. I had memory problems, trouble sleeping. Its a crime and someday hopefully the people mandating this for others as a treatment will be prosecuted and put in jail. Without continued attentionto. It destroyed her life physically and mentally., I am a survivor of shock treatment. I have a right to know these things, especially since this treatment is dangerous and permanent brain damage is the result for all who undergo it., My Mother was given etc in her early thirties.It cannot be selective in what it wipes from memory and Im sure it has contributed towards her very sad state now. ECT destroys social bonds. And a list of those fine institutions like the Mayo Clinic that offers up ECT/TBI/ABI as treatment at a time that the evolving research about injuries and repetitive insults to the brain makes it obvious that this practice is stupidity and medical malpractice at its finest. Jacqueline Dunn, 47, of Sutton, wants to ban the treatment she said has ruined her life and left her suffering with memory loss and other problems. Even the basics an electric current will be passed through your brain, causing you to have a seizure are terrifying. Immediately after the treatment I woke up and said who is Andy? When ECT is properly administered, brain damage does not occur. This needs to be eradicated! As you've said, ECT involves electricity to the brain, it's an inexact science. Now, I have serious memory loss and my brain function is limited- my life has been ruined by ECT and I'm not the same person I once was - is there anyone out there that can relate to me-- where it's only caused negative outcomes Do you feel like family, friends don't understand how it feels and why everything is worse off today because of ECT- there aren't any support groups out there 4 this. I agree thanks, Lauren, for fighting a noble cause. I agree with you. Scan this QR code to download the app now. I was on keppra years ago and it almost ruined my life and killed me. Julie with, from left, Dr. Ahmad Raza, Dr. Shawn McClintock and Dr. Mustafa Husain. Gary Turner, 57, and Jutta Turner, From feeling entirely hopeless about the future, my mood lifted with each session. I was exaggerating, they said, Faking it. Each time I complained, they said, You think about yourself too much, you are self-absorbed. They even said Id been faking my eating disorder for attention! "While ECT can sometimes cause people to lose some past memories, we've become much better at mitigating . Not only did ect make my life worse and wipe out much of who I am, Im unsure of the future. ect ruined my life. redwood tree buyers; dog breeds with pink around eyes; cairns train station spirit of queensland; most expensive house in australia address; lee marvin military service We want our comments to be a lively and valuable part of our community - a place where readers can debate and engage with the most important local issues. The program allowed me to take one or two classes at a time. A button is pushed and between 180 to 460 volts of electricity sends a current searing through the brain from temple to temple (bilateral ECT), or from the front to the back of one side of the head (unilateral ECT). If she is still around Linda Chamberlain ran a foster care program for pets who's owners were in the hospital for up to three mths with mental health problems. Just the sound of defeating silence and a blank space in response. In 2011 there was about 2000 comments and I read through most of them. Recently I spoke with someone who had, in the past, been given a large number of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatments. ECT involves passing electric currents through a patient's brain to cause seizures or fits. No educational degree could possibly give a human being the status of a god, nor the right to determine who is worthy of life and which lives ones among us should be snuffed out. For me, its as though there are big holes in my memory before and during a course of treatment. I have lost 35+ yrs of memory, 27 IQ pts, am unable to make new memories, numb, like a zombie. So this week, I will be printing and sending all the petition signatures and comments to Mr. Ryan via registered mail, return receipt requested. A Life Erased. In the weeks after her first course of electroconvulsive therapy, Dr Sue Cunliffe found she could no longer walk through a door without bashing into the door frame. Until then, Ill answer the persistent questions. He lost his ability to read and forgot his name. I dressed up as him and everything, I really believed I was him and became very religious. This is what an FDA ." Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Or they couldnt produce the data. Peer exercise, diet, counseling, psychotherapy and medication will do the trick. "It got to the point where I even baptised my feet in the toilet.". It has five years since the ect has been done. and our Vendors sell on agreed pitches in city centres and out of town areas across the North West, Yorkshire and Humber. Thank you Lauren. It was so damn expensive per month and it did the same as the old Keppra drug. My life matters. "All I knew is that I wanted to get back to work, and that I felt I should have been handling my father's death better, and that they had told me that ECT would work faster than drugs or the alternative, which was to do nothing at all.". Eventually Cunliffe was referred to a neuropsychologist who diagnosed brain damage as a result of ECT. These adverts enable local businesses to get in front of their target audience the local community. Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. I am heartbroken that anyone or anything would think this is a humane treatment. As with many medical treatments, we need more research to help us better understand how it works but most people who have ECT see an improvement in their symptoms. Now he asks me how i'm doing maybe once a week if that, and if i talk about my day too much i'm overstimulating him. The brain can heal: ECT is often used in critical situations in an effort to avoid suicide. Hello Surviving2015, and welcome. Agreed. It's hard to think rationally when you're mind is focused on all the ways you think you have ruined your life. No one knew if I would ever get better from shock. A self-loathing person who finds something missing in themselves may rely on their partner to fill that gap. People call me about ECT, wanting a real persons take as opposed to a professionals. It wasnt possible that I had anything wrong with my brain. Has relaxed me , stopped voices , and helped me wean off of psychotropics. I googled it and found some NAMI blog about safe and effective, and I didnt research further because I trusted the medical industry in those days. I submitted to it when I was a teenager and the consequences have been a lifetime of activism to fight back this dangerous procedure. Some may welcome this at a time of great distress and suffering. Dr Rupert McShane, chair of the college's Committee on ECT and Related Treatments, said there was evidence showing "most people who receive ECT see an improvement in their condition". On good days, I rarely think about what got me to where I am today. When Cunliffe returned to her psychiatrist to describe her symptoms, she was diagnosed with depression and referred for another cycle of ECT. It is a barbaric treatment which should be banned., Ive had LOTS of ECT (ElectroConvulsive Therapy ((Shock Treatments)) over 48 years. I think his role was called Monitor. Both Cunliffe and Luff are sharing their stories as part of a campaign for an independent review into ECT. I had left college with so many credits, but they were all specialized music classes, so I had to re-enter as a sophomore. The scary minority examples are far more enticing to publish than a balanced article about the risks and benefits associated with a life-saving treatment. ;..g hospital , I want to go home and not miss my friends bar mitzvah.
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ect ruined my life 2023